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Java Voice Quickstart

This quickstart serves as a guide to get your first Voice application up and running with FreeClimb.

Specifically, the project will:

  • Receive an incoming call via a FreeClimb application
  • Respond with a PerCL command to say 'Hello World!' to caller


We offer a Java Voice Quickstart Tutorial for more detailed set-up instructions and explanation of how FreeClimb works.


A FreeClimb account

A registered application with a named alias

A configured FreeClimb number assigned to your application

Trial accounts: a verified number


Setting up the Quickstart

  1. Make your local server publicly accessible

    ngrok http 3000

    Once you run ngrok you should receive a response with a public URL, that looks something like ''.

  2. Configure your applications's endpoints by adding a publicly accessible URL (we recommend an ngrok URL) and the route reference /incomingCall to your App Config's VoiceURL:

Running the Quickstart

  1. Start your voice quickstart application

    gradle build && java -Dserver.port=3000 -jar build/libs/java-voice-quickstart.jar
  2. Call the FreeClimb number assigned to the application you've configured for this tutorial

Using Docker to Run the Quickstart

  1. Pull docker image from dockerhub

    docker pull freeclimbapi/java-voice-quickstart
  2. Run docker image

    docker run -p 3000:3000 freeclimbapi/java-voice-quickstart

Feedback & Issues

If you would like to give the team feedback or you encounter a problem, please contact support or submit a ticket in the dashboard.