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MIMPM mimic alias manager

Expand your binary functionality by adding custom handlers
or basically an advanced alias manager


  1. Mimic with custom alias
    git sync "WIP: sync state" - sync current source state with remote repository
    It is an interceptor or <ALIAS> sync for git <MIMIC>
    Under the hood is does:
    git add .
    git commit -am "WIP: sync state"
    git push

  2. Mimic with shorthand for specific key
    npx init react-application - create react project
    It is an interceptor or <ALIAS> init for npx <BINARY>
    Under the hood is does:
    npx create-react-app react-application

  3. Intercept existing command
    git pull - pull source from remote repository
    Under the hood is does:
    git status - to get current branch
    git stash push - to save current WIP
    git pull origin <branch_from_status> - to pull source
    git stash pop - to bring back WIP
    date - Indicate when it was done
    to run original git pull prepend exclamation mark [!]
    git ! pull - will ignore pull <ALAIS> and run original git pull


git clone ${CURRENT_REPO_URL} ${MIM_PATH:-~/.mimpm}
cd ${MIM_PATH:-~/.mimpm}

It will add required exports to your .bashrc file



[MIMIC] - is an excutable that handle calls
   can be compiled binary or a shell script
[ALIAS] - is a key for a [MIMIC]
   ls   -la
   ip   route
   git    status


mimpm <OPTION> [param1[ param2[...paramN]]]


--mimic-set-editor <bin_path> - define preferred editor to use
  example: mimpm --mimic-set-editor vi

--mimic-add <mimic> [<bin_path>] - crate a [BINARY] interceptor
  example: mimpm --mimic-add git /usr/bin/git
   mimic git binary located at /usr/bin/git
   Then create aliases
   git --mimic-add sync - will create and open alias for editing

--mimic-remove <alias> - remove alias
  example: git --mimic-remove sync - will remove sync alias file

--mimic-edit <alias> - edit alias in preferred editor
  example: git --mimic-edit sync

--mimic-ls - list defined aliases for current mimic

~$ git --mimic-ls
ca  commit all
cam  Commit all with simple message
ck  checkout
lsb  list all branches
lsc  list commits -> log --oneline
lsf  list files staged for commits
lsm  list merge commits
lst  list repo tags
pull  pull current branch from origin
push  push current branch to origin
st  show current repository status
sync  sync current state with remote. Push everything to remote

--mimic-help [<alias>] - show help for given mimic alias

~$ git --mimic-help sync
sync current state with remote. Push everything to remote
USAGE: git sync "Commit message"

--mimic-export [arg1[ arg2[ argN]]] - export mimic alias for example to share with friend
mimpm --mimic-export git - export all defined git aliases
mimpm --mimic-export git:sync - export defined git sync alias
  example: mimpm --mimic-export git npx:init npm:reload

--mimic-import <alias_arch.tar> - import mimic alias archive

--mimic-proxy - create an interceptor for all calls except already defined aliases
mimpm --mimic-proxy npm - will create a proxy interceptor
  means any npm calls will be routed to the proxy interceptor first

--mimic-disable <alias> - temporary disable mimic for binary
  example: mimpm --mimic-disable git

--mimic-enable <alias> - enable mimic