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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

area: documentation
area: documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation
area: new package
area: new package
Creating a new package in the monorepo, very exciting!
area: performance
area: performance
Improving the speed of games.
area: tooling
area: tooling
Builds, infrastructure, packages, and other repository management
Pull requests that update a dependency file
This is a hard issue. You'll want to get a few smaller ones done before trying it.
good first issue
good first issue
Good for newcomers - welcome aboard!
package: autofieldr
package: autofieldr
package: battlemovr
package: battlemovr
package: devicelayr
package: devicelayr
package: eightbittr
package: eightbittr
package: frametickr
package: frametickr
package: fullscreensaver
package: fullscreensaver
package: inputwritr
package: inputwritr
package: itemsholdr
package: itemsholdr
package: menugraphr
package: menugraphr
package: modattachr
package: modattachr
package: objectmakr
package: objectmakr
package: pixeldrawr
package: pixeldrawr
package: pixelrendr
package: pixelrendr
package: shenanigans-manager
package: shenanigans-manager
package: timehandlr
package: timehandlr
package: touchpassr
package: touchpassr
package: userwrappr
package: userwrappr
package: worldseedr
package: worldseedr
status: accepting prs
status: accepting prs
Go ahead and send a pull request to resolve this issue!
status: blocked
status: blocked
Something else should change before this can be addressed.
status: duplicate
status: duplicate
status: needs investigation
status: needs investigation
More research is required before we can settle on a plan.
status: waiting for author
status: waiting for author
The person who created this must do some more work