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Releases: GenuineChannels/GenuineChannels


21 Nov 21:58
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This version supports .NET Frameworks v3.5 and v4.6.

To get started, install the Nuget package:

Install-Package GenuineChannels

Please refer to the Programming Guide for details.

What's new:

  • Fixed IPv6 host name URL encoding according to RFC 6874
  • Updated Zyan.SafeDeserializationHelpers library to the latest version
  • Fixed assembly file version resource to match the Nuget package version


30 Apr 18:19
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This version no longer supports .NET Framework 3.0 and below.
The minimum supported version is .NET 3.5.

To get started, install the Nuget package:

Install-Package GenuineChannels

Please refer to the Programming Guide for details.

New features:

  • IPv6 support (.NET Framework version 3.5 and 4.6 only)
  • New parameter GenuineParameter.TcpReuseAddressPort (bool).
    Indicates whether to use TCP port sharing. If set the listener port will be shared (other apps can use the same one). In this case the socket option System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName.ReuseAddress will be applied. See MSDN Doc. Default value is false.
  • New parameter GenuineParameter.TcpDualSocketMode (bool).
    The TCP dual socket mode will enable both IPv4 and IPv6 for the socket listener (Vista and Longhorn above only). This will be true by default. If you like to force IPv4 or IPv6 listening only, set this option to false.


  • Using built-in compression classes instead of the external ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll library for traffic compression.

BinaryFormatter security fixes:


26 Feb 00:18
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This is the initial release of the MIT-licensed open-source version of GenuineChannels.
Includes debug and release binaries for the .NET Framework versions 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0.
To get started, install the Nuget package:

Install-Package GenuineChannels

Please refer to the Programming Guide for details.