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Ember.SimpleWsseAuth Build Status

Ember.SimpleWsseAuth is a lightweight and unobtrusive library for implementing WSSE authentication with Ember.js applications. It has minimal requirements with respect to the application structure, routes etc. as well as the server interface. This library is inspired (and forked) by marcoow. Have a look at his work.


  • More and more... (and more ?) Unit tests!
  • Use WebWorker to compute encoded password
  • Real check of PasswordDigest, server side (not mastering enough Ruby. Has been successfully tested with Symfony2)

WSSE Authentication

The general idea behind WSSE for Ember.js applications is that the server provides an endpoint that the client uses to get salt of user who want to login. Encoded password is then computed, browser side and user in combination with current data and random unique value (called Nonce) to sign each request made to server. No session is maintained server side. Password is never send across the network and not stored browser side.

Each request contains WSSE headers to identify user:

  • Authorization: Authorization profile="UsernameToken"
  • X-WSSE: UsernameToken Username="letme", PasswordDigest="CVes4PRj/iTguSLjqx+sQ/dQQxg=", Nonce="NTM1MjZjYTVlZGY3N2Q4MQ==", Created="2013-11-07T21:34:03Z"

A lot of useful (and better) documentation is available across the net:

Afraid of publish SALT in your API ?

WSSE is used a lot with Symfony2 Framework:

Tools to generate WSSE Header with Javascript :


Ember.SimpleWsseAuth requires external libraries:

Ember.SimpleWsseAuth only requires 2 routes and one template/controller. To enable it it's best to use a custom initializer:

  name: 'authentication',
  initialize: function(container, application) {

The routes for logging in and out can be named anything you want: {

To wire everything up, the generated App.LoginController and App.LogoutRoute need to implement the respective mixins provided by Ember.SimpleWsseAuth:

App.LoginController = Ember.Controller.extend(Ember.SimpleWsseAuth.LoginControllerMixin);
App.LogoutRoute     = Ember.Route.extend(Ember.SimpleWsseAuth.LogoutRouteMixin);

The last step is to add a template that renders the login form:

<form {{action login on='submit'}}>
  <label for="identification">Login</label>
  {{view Ember.TextField id='username' valueBinding='username' placeholder='Enter Login'}}
  <label for="password">Password</label>
  {{view Ember.TextField id='password' type='password' valueBinding='password' placeholder='Enter Password'}}
  <button type="submit">Login</button>

At this point the infrastructure for users to log in and out is set up. Also every AJAX request (unless it's a cross domain request) will include the authentication header.

To actually make a route in the application protected and inaccessible when no user is authenticated, simply implement the Ember.SimpleWsseAuth.AuthenticatedRouteMixin in the respective route: {
App.ProtectedRoute = Ember.Route.extend(Ember.SimpleWsseAuth.AuthenticatedRouteMixin);

This will make the route redirect to /login (or a different URL if configured) when no user is authenticated.

The current session can always be accessed as session. To display login/logout buttons depending on whether the user is currently authenticated or not, simple add something like this to the respective template:

{{#if session.isAuthenticated}}
  {{#link-to 'logout'}}Logout{{/link-to}}
  <p class="navbar-text pull-right">Your are currently signed in</p>
  {{#link-to 'login'}}Login{{/link-to}}

For more examples including custom URLs, JSON payloads, error handling, handling of the session user etc., see the examples.

The Server side

The only requirements on the server side is that there are two different endpoints accessible with GET method :


  session: {
    "salt": "thisIsMySalt", 

:username variable is automatically replaced by real username filled in login form. This method must return salt used to encode user password



/check-access is used to ensure right login infomation and can return what you want, in case of successful login. Otherwise return 403 error.


To run the examples you need to have Ruby (at least version 1.9.3) and the bundler gem installed. If you have that, you can run:

git clone
cd ember-simple-wsse-auth/examples

Open http://localhost:4567 to access the examples.


To install Ember.SimpleWsseAuth in you Ember.js application you have several options:

  • If you're using Bower, just add it to your bower.json file from Shim Repository:
  "dependencies": {
    "ember-simple-wsse-auth": "*"


To build Ember.SimpleWsseAuth yourself you need to have Ruby (at least version 1.9.3) and the bundler gem installed. If you have that, building is as easy as running:

git clone
cd ember-simple-wsse-auth
bundle exec rake dist

After running that you will find the compiled source file (including a minified version) in the dist directory.

If you want to run the tests as well you also need PhantomJS. You can run the tests with:

bundle exec rake test


Many thanks to marcoow for his inspiring project.

Many thanks to EmberJS team.

Feel free to contribute to this project.


A lightweight and unobtrusive library for implementing WSSE based authentication in Ember.js applications.







No packages published


  • Ruby 71.2%
  • JavaScript 13.3%
  • Scala 12.9%
  • Shell 2.6%