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TYPO3 CMS Introduction Package with DDEV Local

Get going quickly with TYPO3 CMS Introduction Package and DDEV Local.

This repository provides a fully set up and ready to use TYPO3 CMS instance based on the TYPO3 CMS Introduction Package and using DDEV Local.

The installation steps are done on ddev start if TYPO3 is not already setup. Have a look at the DDEV Local configuration, especially the post-start hooks which are doing the whole magic.

Quick Start

  • Install (and start) Docker and DDEV Local (and on Windows also Git). On Windows, WSL2 is highly recommended.
  • Clone or download and extract this repository
  • Make sure ports 80 and 3306 are free! (Port fixing)
  • Open a shell, head to the installation folder created before and run ddev start

A new browser window opens and displays the login page to the TYPO3 Backend.


Windows and Symlinks

To create and show the symlinks correctly on Windows you have to enable the Developer Mode or start your shell (Git Bash, cmd, PowerShell etc.) elevated (as adminstrator).

Otherwise the linked folders and files are shown as normal files with some text information about the target inside. This does not hurt the functionality in the container, but could be a little bit confusing on the host if you don't know about this behavior.

I'm currently working on a patch for DDEV here to simplify this behavior on Windows. In one of the next releases this will work out-of-the-box without changing to Developer Mode or using an elevated shell!

How to use

Useful Commands

  • Start project: ddev start
  • Stop project: ddev stop
  • Open frontend: ddev launch
  • Open backend ddev launch typo3

Reset the Project

⚠️ This procedure will delete the database and all files created. Any changes you made before will be lost. Be sure to create a proper backup if needed.

To reset the project and start from scratch, run ddev reset.

Change TYPO3 CMS Version

⚠️ This procedure will delete the database and all files created. Any changes you made before will be lost. Be sure to create a proper backup if needed.

To change the TYPO3 CMS version run ddev reset [version]. Valid versions are 10.4 or 9.5 or just their major version part.

E.g., to use the Introduction Package with TYPO3 CMS 9.5 run ddev reset 9.

The Magic Behind the Scenes

To simplify the usage of this demo there is a lot of magic implemented which I try to explain here.

If something remains unclear, open an issue and I will try to explain it.

Automatic Setup

Kudos go to the TYPO3-Console and its other packages composer-auto-commands and composer-typo3-auto-install.

composer-auto-commands makes the usage of scripts in the composer.json known from the TYPO3 CMS Base Distribution superfluous. In this case the package takes care to run the following commands:

composer-typo3-auto-install additionally takes care of the initial setup in case no LocalConfiguration.php can be found. Important default values are set with the help of the environment variables set in .env. The admin name and password are currently commented out, the required user information is collected via various prompts. Have a look at the TYPO3-Console Documentation for supported variables.

Finally, the .env file is loaded via the help of Helhum's dotenv-connector.

More information is available with the links above and in the TYPO3-Console Command Reference.

DDEV's Custom Commands

DDEV Local has the great possibility to create custom commands. The features to change the TYPO3 Core version and reset the project are implemented with the help of the custom command reset which is a simple bash script.

DDEV's Configuration

Additionally to the project configuration a docker-composer.*.yaml file is provided to add the environment variable TYPO3_CONTEXT. Read more about this feature in the DDEV Documentation.


This project is released under the terms of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.


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