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breaking 💥
breaking :collision:
Breaking changes. Will not be compatible with previous versions.
bug 😁
bug :grin:
Something isn't working
dependencies ⬆️
dependencies :arrow_up:
Pull requests that update a dependency file
design 💅
design :nail_care:
Changes related to templates
documentation 🈵
documentation :u6e80:
Writing new documentation
duplicate 🤦‍♂️
duplicate :man_facepalming:
This issue or pull request already exists
enhancement 💪
enhancement :muscle:
New feature or request
feature 🎨
feature :art:
New feature being added
good first issue 🐤
good first issue :baby_chick:
Good for newcomers
help wanted 🙏
help wanted :pray:
Extra attention is needed
internal 🎠
internal :carousel_horse:
Internal improvements
question 🤷‍♀️
question :woman_shrugging:
Further information is requested
regression ↩️
regression :leftwards_arrow_with_hook:
Reverting change to fix a bug ...
removed ❗
removed :exclamation:
Features to be removed!
security 👩‍💻
security :woman_technologist:
Pull requests that address a security vulnerability
suggestion 🗣️
suggestion :speaking_head:
Something that might be a good idea
test 🔍
test :mag:
Improve tests
wontfix 🛑
wontfix :stop_sign:
This will not be worked on