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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


A light-weighted nodejs framework


Run following command in terminal.

# clone the repo
git clone
# Now copy cloned repo to desired directory for your project.
rsync -av --exclude='.git' node-framework/ your-project-directory/
cd your-project-directory/
#install dependencies
npm install


The controllers are in the directory:

  1. /app/api/
  2. /app/web/


The views are in /views/

Layouts are in /views/layouts/

Partials are in /views/partials/

Static Files

All static files are in /public/

It contains all CSS, JavaScripts and other files like images etc.


All routes are stored in routes.js There are two type of routing:

  1. For API
  2. For Website

The endpoint you mention will be as follows:

"METHOD URL" : "Controller_Name.Function_Name"

here METHOD will be: {"GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE"} and so on as mentioned in express.js documentation for routing methods. The URL will automatically be prepended by the type of routing. For example:

api: {
     "GET /home/books": "Home.index"

above will be converted to url: /api/home/books


Policies are the middlewares, generally used for intercepting url requests specified in policies.js

The policies are in the directory: /app/policies/

All policies can have only one function named as "index".

There are three type of policies:

  1. For all controllers
  2. For all handlers (functions)
  3. For specific handler

For all Controller/Handler, use asterisk symbol(*) as follows:

"*" : "PolicyName"


"*" : ["PolicyName1", "PolicyName2"] // policies will be executed in order

The Controller/Handler Name you mention will be as follows:

"Controller/Handler Name" : "PolicyName"


"Controller/Handler Name" : ["PolicyName1", "PolicyName2"]

If in place of PolicyName true/false is used then that Controller/Handler will be Allowed/Blocked to execute.

If "*" as well as "Controller/Handler" is not mentioned then by default that Controller/Handler will be allowed to execute.

Note: If a Controller/Handler is mentioned then it will override the policies defined by "*".

Following will be structure:

  "api": {
    "*" : PolicyName,
    "Controller_1": PolicyName,
    "Controller_2": {
      "*": PolicyName,
      "Handler_1": PolicyName,
      "Handler_2": PolicyName
  "web": {
    "*" : PolicyName,
    "Controller_1": PolicyName,
    "Controller_2": {
      "*": PolicyName,
      "Handler_1": PolicyName,
      "Handler_2": PolicyName


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