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You only need 5 icons to meet most needs! Don't believe me? Check out this awesome article written by the author of PostCSS and Autoprefixer.

This tool generates these 5 icons and much more!


  • Generates icons in a directory of your choosing
  • input formats: png, jpeg, svg (use svg for better results)
  • output formats: png, jpeg, svg, ico
  • input sizes: any (for default icons use a resolution of at least 512x512 or SVG)
  • output sizes: any
  • Typescript support


  • pwa-icons-generator does not generate manifest.json and does not inject link tags into index.html. Instead, it generates output object contaning all information your PWA app may need.

  • When pwa-icons-generator generates SVG icons it does not vectorize input images. Instead, it includes them into an output file as <image xlink:href="${base64}"> tags. So, if your app has strict CSP it may cause some issues.


npm i -D pwa-icons-generator

Importing everything you may need

import pwaIconsGenerator, { getDefaultIcons } from 'pwa-icons-generator'
import type { PrimaryConfig, SecondaryConfig, Output } from 'pwa-icons-generator'

Usage simple

Example 1

Generates 5 icons and saves them to dist folder

const foregroundImage = `files/fg-square.svg` // local file or URL
const output: Output = await pwaIconsGenerator(foregroundImage)
Example 2

Generates 5 icons (as in the previous example) and applies some options.

  const config: SecondaryConfig = {
    bg: 'black', // color or image to use as background
    padding: '10%',
    outDirectory: 'dist/icons',
    ext: 'jpeg'
    // other options are available

  const output = await pwaIconsGenerator('files/fg-square.svg', config)

Usage advanced

Example 3

If you want to generate custom icons, here's how you do it.

  const myIcons: PrimaryConfig['icons'] = [{
    name: 'my-icon',
    width: 1280,
    height: 720

  const config: PrimaryConfig = {
    fg: 'files/fg.svg', // foreground image
    bg: '#ffffff00',
    padding: '10px',
    outDirectory: 'dist',
    ext: 'png' as const,
    icons: [...myIcons]

  const output: Output = await pwaIconsGenerator(config)
Example 4 (same result as 3)
  const myIcons: PrimaryConfig['icons'] = [{
    name: 'my-icon',
    width: 1280,
    height: 720,
    fg: 'files/fg-square.svg',
    bg: '#ffffff00',
    padding: '10px',
    outDirectory: 'dist',
    ext: 'png' as const

  const config: PrimaryConfig = {
    icons: [...myIcons]

  const output: Output = await pwaIconsGenerator(config)
Example 5

If you want to use default icons as well as custom icons, here's how you do it.

Generates 5 default icons and 1 additional

  const defaultIcons = getDefaultIcons()

  const myIcons: PrimaryConfig['icons'] = [{
    name: 'my-icon',
    width: 1280,
    height: 720

  const config: PrimaryConfig = {
    fg: 'files/fg-square.svg',
    bg: '#ffffff00',
    padding: '10px',
    outDirectory: 'dist',
    ext: 'png' as const,
    icons: [...defaultIcons, ...myIcons]

  const output: Output = await pwaIconsGenerator(config)

Output, manifest and link tags

Example 6

This is an example of how you can separate icons to be used in manifest.json and index.html

  const myIcons: PrimaryConfig['icons']  = [{
    name: 'my-icon',
    width: 1280,
    height: 720,
    linkTag: {
      attributes: { 'my-attribute': 'my-value' }
  }, {
    name: 'my-manifest-icon',
    width: 1000,
    height: 1000,
    outDirectory: 'dist/manifest-icons',
    pathPrefix: '/manifest-icons',
    manifest: true

  const config: PrimaryConfig = {
    fg: 'files/fg-square.svg',
    icons: [...myIcons]

  const output: Output = await pwaIconsGenerator(config)

/* OUTPUT (some properties omitted)
    linkTags: '<link href="my-icon.png" my-attribute="my-value">',
    manifest: {
      icons: [{
        src: '/manifest-icons/my-manifest-icon.png',
        type: 'image/png',
        sizes: '1000x1000'


  • Use SVG for better results
  • Options in icons override options in config. In the example below my-icon icon will use files/fg-square.svg as a foreground image while my-icon-2 will use files/fg-rect-vert.svg
  const config: PrimaryConfig = {
    fg: 'files/fg-square.svg',
    icons: [{
      name: 'my-icon',
      width: 1280,
      height: 720
    }, {
      name: 'my-icon-2',
      width: 1000,
      height: 1000,
      fg: 'files/fg-rect-vert.svg'


You only need 5 icons to meet most needs!







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