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A faster JavaScript packager for Serverless applications.


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Serverless Jetpack 🚀

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A faster JavaScript packager for Serverless applications.

  • ⚡ Drop-in replacement for serverless package|deploy
  • 💻 Lambda Functions packaging
  • 🍰 Lambda Layers packaging
  • 🐉 Monorepo (lerna, yarn workspace) support
  • 📦 Per-function packaging
  • 🔀 Tunable, multi-cpu parallelization


The Serverless framework is a fantastic one-stop-shop for taking your code and packing up all the infrastructure around it to deploy it to the cloud. Unfortunately, for many JavaScript applications, some aspects of packaging are slow, hindering deployment speed and developer happiness.

With the serverless-jetpack plugin, many common, slow Serverless packaging scenarios can be dramatically sped up. All with a very easy, seamless integration into your existing Serverless projects.


The short, short version

First, install the plugin:

$ yarn add --dev serverless-jetpack
$ npm install --save-dev serverless-jetpack

Add to serverless.yml

  - serverless-jetpack

... and you're off to faster packaging awesomeness! 🚀

A little more detail...

The plugin supports all normal built-in Serverless framework packaging configurations in serverless.yml like:

  # Any `include`, `exclude` logic is applied to the whole service, the same
  # as built-in serverless packaging.
  # include: ...
    - "*"
    - "**/node_modules/aws-sdk/**" # included on Lambda.
    - "!package.json"

  # Add the plugin here.
  - serverless-jetpack

    # ...
    # ...
      # These work just like built-in serverless packaging - added to the
      # service-level exclude/include fields.
        - "src/**"
        - "!**/node_modules/aws-sdk/**" # Faster way to exclude
        - "package.json"


Most Serverless framework projects should be able to use Jetpack without any extra configuration besides the plugins entry. However, there are some additional options that may be useful in some projects (e.g., lerna monorepos, yarn workspaces)...

Service-level configurations available via custom.jetpack:

  • base (string): The base directory (relative to servicePath / CWD) at which dependencies may be discovered by Jetpack. This is useful in some bespoke monorepo scenarios where dependencies may be hoisted/flattened to a root node_modules directory that is the parent of the directory serverless is run from. (default: Serverless' servicePath / CWD).
    • WARNING: If you don't know that you need this option, you probably don't want to set it. Setting the base dependency root outside of Serverless' servicePath / current working directory (e.g., ..) may have some unintended side effects. Most notably, any discovered node_modules dependencies will be flattened into the zip at the same level as servicePath / CWD. E.g., if dependencies were included by Jetpack at node_modules/foo and then ../node_modules/foo they would be collapsed in the resulting zip file package.
    • Layers: Layers are a bit of an odddity with built-in Serverless Framework packaging in that the current working directory is layer.NAME.path (and not servicePath like usual), yet things like include|exclude apply relatively to the layer path, not the servicePath. Jetpack has a similar choice and applies base applies to the root servicePath for everything (layers, functions, and service packaging), which seems to be the best approach given that monorepo consumers may well lay out projects like functions/* and layers/* and need dependency inference to get all the way to the root irrespective of a child layer path.
  • roots (Array<string>): A list of paths (relative to servicePath / CWD) at which there may additionally declared and/or installed node_modules. (default: [Serverless' servicePath / CWD]).
    • Setting a value here replaces the default [servicePath] with the new array, so if you want to additionally keep the servicePath in the roots array, set as: [".", ADDITION_01, ADDITION_02, ...].
    • This typically occurs in a monorepo project, wherein dependencies may be located in e.g. packages/{NAME}/node_modules and/or hoisted to the node_modules at the project base. It is important to specify these additional dependency roots so that Jetpack can (1) find and include the right dependencies and (2) hone down these directories to just production dependencies when packaging. Otherwise, you risk having a slow serverless package execution and/or end up with additional/missing dependencies in your final application zip bundle.
    • You only need to declare roots of things that aren't naturally inferred in a dependency traversal. E.g., if starting at packages/{NAME}/package.json causes a traversal down to node_modules/something then symlinked up to lib/something-else/node_modules/even-more these additional paths don't need to be separately declared because they're just part of the dependency traversal.
    • Layers: Similar to base, both the project/service- and layer-level roots declarations will be relative to the project servicePath directory and not the layers.NAME.path directory.
  • preInclude (Array<string>): A list of glob patterns to be added before Jetpack's dependency pattern inclusion and Serverless' built-in service-level and then function-level package.includes. This option most typically comes up in a monorepo scenario where you want a broad base exclusion like !functions/** or !packages/** at the service level and then inclusions in later functions.
  • concurrency (Number): The number of independent package tasks (per function and service) to run off the main execution thread. If 1, then run tasks serially in main thread. If 2+ run off main thread with concurrency number of workers. (default: 1).
    • This option is most useful for Serverless projects that (1) have many individually packaged functions, and (2) large numbers of files and dependencies. E.g., start considering this option if your per-function packaging time takes more than 10 seconds and you have more than one service and/or function package.

The following function and layer-level configurations available via functions.{FN_NAME}.jetpack and layers.{LAYER_NAME}.jetpack:

  • roots (Array<string>): This option adds more dependency roots to the service-level roots option.
  • preInclude (Array<string>): This option adds more glob patterns to the service-level preInclude option.

Here are some example configurations:

Additional roots

# serverless.yml
  - serverless-jetpack

    # ...
    # This example monorepo project has:
    # - `packages/another/src`: JS source code to include
    # - `packages/another/package.json`: Declares production dependencies
    # - `packages/another/node_modules`: One location prod deps may be.
    # - `node_modules`: Another location prod deps may be if hoisted.
    # ...
      individually: true
        # If you want to keep prod deps from servicePath/CWD package.json
        # - "."
        # Different root to infer prod deps from package.json
        - "packages/another"
      # Ex: Typically you'll also add in sources from a monorepo package.
      - "packages/another/src/**"

Different base root

# serverless.yml
  - serverless-jetpack

    # Search for hoisted dependencies to one parent above normal.
    base: ".."

  # ...
    # **NOTE**: The include patterns now change to allow the underlying
    # globbing libraries to reach below the working directory to our base,
    # so patterns should be of the format:
    # - "!{BASE/,}{**/,}NORMAL_PATTERN"
    # - "!{BASE/,}{**/,}node_modules/aws-sdk/**"
    # - "!{BASE/,}{**/,}node_modules/{@*/*,*}/"
    # ... here with a BASE of `..` that means:
    # General
    - "!{../,}{**/,}.DS_Store"
    - "!{../,}{**/,}.vscode/**"
    # Dependencies
    - "!{../,}{**/,}node_modules/aws-sdk/**"
    - "!{../,}{**/,}node_modules/{@*/*,*}/"
    - "!{../,}{**/,}node_modules/{@*/*,*}/"

    # ...

With custom pre-includes

# 1. `preInclude` comes first after internal `**` pattern.
      - "!**" # Start with absolutely nothing (typical in monorepo scenario)

# 2. Jetpack then dynamically adds in production dependency glob patterns.

# 3. Then, we apply the normal serverless `include`s.
  individually: true
    - "!**/node_modules/aws-sdk/**"

  - serverless-jetpack

    # ...
        - "packages/another"
        # Tip: Could then have a service-level `include` negate subfiles.
        - "packages/another/dist/**"
      - "packages/another/src/**"


# serverless.yml
  - serverless-jetpack

    # A typical pattern is `NAME/nodejs/node_modules` that expands to
    # `/opt/nodejs/node_modules` which is included in `NODE_PATH` and available
    # to running lambdas. Here, we use `jetpack.roots` to properly exclude
    # `devDependencies` that built-in Serverless wouldn't.
    path: layers/vendor
        # Instruct Jetpack to review and exclude devDependencies originating
        # from this `package.json` directory.
        - "layers/vendor/nodejs"

Command Line Interface

Jetpack also provides some CLI options.

serverless jetpack package

Package a function like serverless package does, just with better options.

$ serverless jetpack package -h
Plugin: Jetpack
jetpack package ............... Packages a Serverless service or function
    --function / -f .................... Function name. Packages a single function (see 'deploy function')

So, to package all service / functions like serverless package does, use:

$ serverless jetpack package # OR
$ serverless package

... as this is basically the same built-in or custom.

The neat addition that Jetpack provides is:

$ serverless jetpack package -f|--function {NAME}

which allows you to package just one named function exactly the same as serverless deploy -f {NAME} does. (Curiously serverless deploy implements the -f {NAME} option but serverless package does not.)

How it works

Serverless built-in packaging slows to a crawl in applications that have lots of files from devDependencies. Although the excludeDevDependencies option will ultimately remove these from the target zip bundle, it does so only after the files are read from disk, wasting a lot of disk I/O and time.

The serverless-jetpack plugin removes this bottleneck by performing a fast production dependency on-disk discovery via the inspectdep library before any globbing is done. The discovered production dependencies are then converted into patterns and injected into the otherwise normal Serverless framework packaging heuristics to efficiently avoid all unnecessary disk I/O due to devDependencies in node_modules.

Process-wise, the serverless-jetpack plugin detects when built-in packaging applies and then takes over the packaging process. The plugin then sets appropriate internal Serverless artifact fields to cause Serverless to skip the (slower) built-in packaging.

The nitty gritty of why it's faster

Let's start by looking at how Serverless packages (more or less):

  1. If the excludeDevDependencies option is set, use synchronous globby() for on disk I/O calls to find all the package.json files in node_modules, then infer which are devDependencies. Use this information to enhance the include|exclude configured options.
  2. Glob files from disk using globby with a root ** (all files) and the include pattern, following symlinks, and create a list of files (no directories). This is again disk I/O.
  3. Filter the in-memory list of files using nanomatch via service + function exclude, then include patterns in order to decide what is included in the package zip file.

This is potentially slow if node_modules contains a lot of ultimately removed files, yielding a lot of completely wasted disk I/O time.

Jetpack, by contrast does the following:

  1. Efficiently infer production dependencies from disk without globbing, and without reading any devDependencies.
  2. Glob files from disk with a root ** (all files), !node_modules/** (exclude all by default), node_modules/PROD_DEP_01/**, node_modules/PROD_DEP_02/**, ... (add in specific directories of production dependencies), and then the normal include patterns. This small nuance of limiting the node_modules globbing to just production dependencies gives us an impressive speedup.
  3. Apply service + function exclude, then include patterns in order to decide what is included in the package zip file.

This ends up being way faster in most cases, and particularly when you have very large devDependencies. It is worth pointing out the minor implication that:

  • If your include|exclude logic intends to glob in devDependencies, this won't work anymore. But, you're not really planning on deploying non-production dependencies are you? 😉


Other Serverless plugins that set package.artifact

The serverless-jetpack plugin hooks into the Serverless packaging lifecycle by being the last function run in the before:package:createDeploymentArtifacts lifecycle event. This means that if a user configures package.artifact directly in their Serverless configuration or another plugin sets package.artifact before Jetpack runs then Jetpack will skip the unit of packaging (service, function, layer, etc.).

Some notable plugins that do set package.artifact and thus don't need and won't use Jetpack (or vanilla Serverless packaging for that matter):

Minor differences vs. Serverless globbing

Our benchmark correctness tests highlight a number of various files not included by Jetpack that are included by serverless in packaging our benchmark scenarios. Some of these are things like node_modules/.yarn-integrity which Jetpack knowingly ignores because you shouldn't need it. All of the others we've discovered to date are instances in which serverless incorrectly includes devDependencies...


Jetpack supports layer packaging as close to serverless as it can. However, there are a couple of very wonky things with serverless' approach that you probably want to keep in mind:

  • Service level package.include|exclude patterns are applied at the layers.NAME.path level for a given layer. So, e.g., if you have a service-level include pattern of "!*" to remove ROOT/foo.txt, this will apply at a different root path from layers.NAME.path of like ROOT/layers/NAME/foo.txt.
  • As mentioned in our options configuration section above, Jetpack applies the base and roots options to the root project servicePath for dependency searching and not relatively to layer paths.

Be careful with include configurations and node_modules

Let's start with how include|exclude work for both Serverless built-in packaging and Jetpack:

  1. Disk read phase with globby(). Assemble patterns in order from below and then return a list of files matching the total patterns.

    1. Start at ** (everything).
    2. (Jetpack only) Add in service and function-level jetpack.preInclude patterns.
    3. (Jetpack only) Add in dynamic patterns to include production node_modules.
    4. Add in service and function-level package.include patterns.
  2. File filtering phase with nanomatch(). Once we have a list of files read from disk, we apply patterns in order as follows to decide whether to include them (last postitive match wins).

    1. (Jetpack only) Add in service and function-level jetpack.preInclude patterns.
    2. (Jetpack only) Add in dynamic patterns to include production node_modules.
    3. Add in service and function-level package.exclude patterns.
    4. (Serverless only) Add in dynamic patterns to exclude development node_modules
    5. Add in service and function-level package.include patterns.

The practical takeaway here is the it is typically faster to prefer include exclusions like !foo/** than to use exclude patterns like foo/** because the former avoids a lot of unneeded disk I/O.

Let's consider a pattern like this:

  - "node_modules/**"
  - # ... a whole bunch of stuff ...

This would likely be just as slow as built-in Serverless packaging because all of node_modules gets read from disk.

Thus, the best practice here when crafting service or function include configurations is: don't include anything extra in node_modules. It's fine to do extra exclusions like:

# Good. Remove dependency provided by lambda from zip
  - "**/node_modules/aws-sdk/**"

# Better! Never even read the files from disk during globbing in the first place!
  - "!**/node_modules/aws-sdk/**"


The following is a simple, "on my machine" benchmark generated with yarn benchmark. It should not be taken to imply any real world timings, but more to express relative differences in speed using the serverless-jetpack versus the built-in baseline Serverless framework packaging logic.

As a quick guide to the results table:

  • Scenario: Contrived scenarios for the purpose of generating results.
    • simple: Very small production and development dependencies.
    • individually: Same dependencies as simple, but with individually packaging.
    • huge: Lots and lots of development dependencies.
  • Mode: Project installed via yarn or npm? This really only matters in that npm and yarn may flatten dependencies differently, so we want to make sure Jetpack is correct in both cases.
  • Type: jetpack is this plugin and baseline is Serverless built-in packaging.
  • Time: Elapsed build time in milliseconds.
  • vs Base: Percentage difference of serverless-jetpack vs. Serverless built-in. Negative values are faster, positive values are slower.

Machine information:

  • os: darwin 18.5.0 x64
  • node: v8.16.0


Scenario Mode Type Time vs Base
simple yarn jetpack 2151 -71.48 %
simple yarn baseline 7541
simple npm jetpack 3245 -62.83 %
simple npm baseline 8730
complex yarn jetpack 4219 -69.07 %
complex yarn baseline 13642
complex npm jetpack 4663 -71.11 %
complex npm baseline 16142
individually yarn jetpack 3520 -73.57 %
individually yarn baseline 13316
individually npm jetpack 3759 -74.68 %
individually npm baseline 14848
huge yarn jetpack 4799 -80.91 %
huge yarn baseline 25142
huge npm jetpack 3426 -88.46 %
huge npm baseline 29684

Maintenance Status

Active: Formidable is actively working on this project, and we expect to continue for work for the foreseeable future. Bug reports, feature requests and pull requests are welcome.


A faster JavaScript packager for Serverless applications.







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