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Roman Numeral Converter and Utilities

You input a Roman Numeral or an integer.

We return that number converted.

Covers numbers in the trillions, with thousands of unit tests and tons of Roman Numeral functionality.


  1. TOC
  2. Online Demos
  3. Features
  4. Functionality
  5. Example Usage
  6. Code Structure and Design

Online Demos

Check out the code in an online demo...

Roman Numeral Converter

Simple Demo.

Just click the link, fill in a number, push the button, and go...

Roman Numeral List Utility

Simple Demo.

Just click the link, push the button, and go...


How much is here?

  • Powerful - Can Handle Any Whole, Positive Number - Capable of handling numbers up to 10^60.
    • 1 to 3,999 : Represented in the classical way taught to children.
    • 4,000 to 3,999,999 : Represented with a dash over the high-valued, Roman numerals. Still traditional, but less so.
    • 4,000,000 to 3,999,999,999 : Represented with two dashes over the high-valued, Roman numerals. Untraditional.
    • 4,000,000,000 to 3,999,999,999,999 : Represented with three dashes over the high-valued, Roman numerals. Untraditional.
    • 4,000,000,000,000 to 3.999... * 10^60 : Represented using all unused Latin letters as multiplyer characters. Brand new.
  • Fast - Optimal algorithm design.
    • Roman-To-Integer Algorithm: Beats 100% of other algorithms on LeetCode.
    • Integer-To-Roman Algorithm: Beats 100% of other algorithms on LeetCode.
  • Reliable - Unit Tests: 40,000 total.
    • Converting Roman Numerals to Integers : 10,000 unit tests.
    • Converting Integers to Roman Numerals : 10,000 unit tests.
    • Listing Roman Numerals : 10,000 unit tests.
    • Listing Integers : 10,000 unit tests.


How exactly does it work?

  • Exact / Error-Resistant
    • The Roman Numerals are defined linguistically, allowing certain values to appear after others, similar to Markov Chain.
    • Since this rigid definition is in place, the odds of any particular number generation (up to 10^60) being incorrect is amazingly small.
  • Fast / Efficient
    • Algorithm for Converting: Defined using optimal results.
    • Algorithm for Listing: Defined using optimal results.

Example Usage

How do I use the Roman Numeral Converter and Utilities?

Convert Roman Numeral to an Integer

How do I convert a Roman Numeral to an integer?

var output = convertRomanToInteger({'number':'viii'});

console.log(output);    // result: 8

Convert Integer to a Roman Numeral

How do I convert an integer to a Roman Numeral?

var output = convertIntegerToRoman({'number':42});

console.log(output);    // result: "xlii"

List Roman Numerals within a Range

How do I list Roman Numerals within a certain range?

var romanlist = generateRomanNumerals({'min':1, 'max':9999});

console.log(romanlist[100]);    // result: "c"

List Roman Integers within a Range

How do I list integers within a certain range?

var integerlist = generateIntegerNumbers({'min':1, 'max':9999});

console.log(romanlist[100]);    // result: "100"

Code Structure and Design

Coding Languages

What coding languages are used in the Roman Numeral Converter and Utilities?

The entire project is coded in the following...

  • HTML - For providing the bare page itself with a minimum of elements.
  • CSS - Minimum of styling, as well as handling the odd situation in Roman Numerals where one may need multiple lines over a number to indicate its true, full value.
  • jQuery - For handling the UI.
  • JavaScript - For doing the number conversions and the utilities.

roman-numerals.js - Technical Overview

What are the functions in the sourcecode files for?


For converting Roman Numerals and Roman Numeral Utilities.


  • getTimeOutDelay()
    • Get the delay of the timeout for typing.
  • processingText()
    • Get the text to display when the keyword list generator is thinking.
  • waitingForUserText()
    • Get the text to display when the keyword list generator is waiting.

Event and Element Handlers

  • $('.input-area').keyup(function(e) {...})
    • Run findKeywords() only after so much time has delayed from keyup movements.
  • $('.input-area').click(function(e) {...})
    • Clear the input area of its default instruction set when input area is clicked.
  • $('.find-keywords-button').click(function(e) {...})
    • User clicked the "Find Keywords" button.
    • Regenerate the keyword list.
  • $('#casing').change(function(e) {...})
    • User changed the sort order of the keyword lists.
    • Regenerate the keyword list.
  • initiateApp()
    • Clear the input area of its default instruction set.
    • Bound to many event handlers.

Input Cleanup

  • getInput()
    • Get the input source for generating the keyword list.
  • cleanupInput(args)
    • Cleanup the input from the user.
  • formatInput(args)
    • Format the input from the user.
    • Specifically, lowercase and, if necessary, strip HTML.
  • getCleanupReplacements()
    • Get text replacements for cleanup.
  • replaceBulk(args)
    • Replace the cleanup replacements with their correct values.

Number-Conversion Logic

  • convertNumbers()
    • Main function for converting numbers.
  • formatFinalOutput(args)
    • Given output to display to user, format it.
  • formatOutputWithLines(args)
    • Given a Roman Numeral value, format it so that it displays the lines/dashes overhead of the number, if applicable.
  • formatOutputWithLines_specialPiece(args)
    • Put the necessary amount of lines or dashes overhead of a Roman Numeral, based on its size.
  • convertRomanToInteger(args)
    • Given a Roman Numeral, convert it to a base-10integer.
  • convertIntegerToRoman(args)
    • Given an Integer (int format), convert it to a Roman Numeral string.
  • convertIntegerToRoman_calculate4PointBlocks(args)
    • Calculate each set of 4 point blocks, in terms of converting from an integer to a Roman numeral.
  • convertIntegerToRoman_calculate3PointBlocks(args)
    • Calculate each set of 3 point blocks, in terms of converting from an integer to a Roman numeral.
  • calculate4PointRomanBlock(args)
    • Given a large Roman Numeral, i.e., a large one, above 1,000, calculate the integer value.
    • A 4-point-block is lexicographically more complex than the 3-point-block. The 4-point-block uses more memorization and less logic.
  • calculate3PointRomanBlock(args)
    • Given ordinary Roman Numeral, i.e., a small one, below 1,000, calculate the integer value.
    • A 3-point-block is lexicographically-simpler than the 4 point-block. The 3-point-block uses more logic and less memorization.
  • convertIntegerToRoman_getIncrementersHash()
    • Build a hash that represents the values of the Roman numeral prefix multiplyers.

List Builder

  • getIgnoreKeywords_romanNumerals_numbersOnly()
    • Get a list of Roman numerals to ignore.
    • For example: i, ii, iii, etc..
  • generateIntegerNumbers(args)
    • Given a min and a max, return a list of integer numbers bound by that constraint.
  • generateRomanNumerals(args)
    • Given a min and a max, return a list of Roman Numerals bound by that constraint.
  • formatRomanNumerals(args)
    • Given an array of Roman numerals, format each element.
  • getIgnoreKeywords_romanNumerals_mergeLists(args)
    • Given two lists of roman numerals, merge them together.
    • For example: (i)x, (ii)x, (iii)x, (iv)x,... (ix)x. etc..
  • convertIntegerToRoman_getIncrementers()
    • Get the prefix incrementers, listed in reverse order.
    • These are the values before a roman number that cause to be multiplied in value and to appear with so-many dashes overhead.
    • Active, Enabled, and Tested: O, U, T, A. (trillions)
    • Disabled for Memory Constraints: B, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, N, P, Q, R, S, W, Y, Z.
  • getRomanNumerals_firstDigitValues()
    • Get the first digit (0-9) values for the Roman Numeral system.
    • For example: (nothing; i.e., zero), i, ii, iii, etc..
  • getRomanNumerals_secondDigitValues()
    • Get the second digit (00-90) values for the Roman Numeral system.
    • For example: (nothing; i.e., zero), x (10), xx (20), xxx (30), etc..
  • getRomanNumerals_thirdDigitValues()
    • Get the third digit (000-900) values for the Roman Numeral system.
    • For example: (nothing; i.e., zero), c (100), cc (200), ccc (300), etc..
  • getRomanNumerals_fourthDigitValues()
    • Get the fourth digit (0000-9000) values for the Roman Numeral system.
    • For example: (nothing; i.e., zero), m (1000), mm (2000), mmm (3000), etc..
  • getRomanNumerals_fifthDigitValues()
    • Get the fourth digit (00000-90000) values for the Roman Numeral system.
    • For example: (nothing; i.e., zero), ox (10000), oxox (20000), oxoxox (30000), etc..
  • getRomanNumerals_sixthDigitValues()
    • Get the fourth digit (000000-900000) values for the Roman Numeral system.
    • For example: (nothing; i.e., zero), oc (100000), ococ (200000), ocococ (300000), etc..
  • getRomanNumerals_seventhDigitValues()
    • Get the fourth digit (0000000-9000000) values for the Roman Numeral system.
    • For example: (nothing; i.e., zero), om (1000000), omom (2000000), omomom (3000000), etc..
  • getRomanNumerals_eighthDigitValues()
    • Get the fourth digit (00000000-90000000) values for the Roman Numeral system.
    • For example: (nothing; i.e., zero), om (10000000), omom (20000000), omomom (30000000), etc..


For unit-testing the Roman Numerals and Roman Numeral Utilities.

  • enableUnitTests()
    • Enable unit-testing.
  • logUnitTests()
    • Enable unit-testing logging.
  • runUnitTests
    • Run the unit tests.
  • runUnitTests_romanList()
    • Run the unit tests for the Roman-Numeral generating function.
  • runUnitTests_integerList()
    • Run the unit tests for the integer-unmber generating function.
  • indicateUnitTestStart()
    • Indicate the number of unit tests to conduct.
  • indicateUnitTestEnd()
    • Indicate the number of unit tests conducted.
  • getUnitTestCount()
    • Count the unit tests.
  • runUnitTests_integerToRoman()
    • Run the unit tests for converting integers to Roman numerals.
  • runUnitTests_romanToInteger()
    • Run the unit tests for converting Roman numerals to integers.
  • unitTestList_integerToRoman()
    • Unit tests for converting integers to roman numerals.
  • unitTestList_romanToInteger()
    • Unit tests for converting Roman numerals to integers.
  • assert(condition, message)
    • Simple assert method for unit-testing.
  • main()
    • Run the unit tests, if enabled.