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Gitolite with HTTP support on Docker. Uses Apache httpd 2.2, on debian.


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A Dockerfile for Gitolite with added HTTP protocol support. Host your git repositories with Gitolite, access them from anywhere with HTTP ! Uses Apache 2.2, on Debian.


First installation (if you don't already use Gitolite) :

# 1. Run the container. Don't bind to the SSH port on the host.
sudo docker run -d --name gitolite-http -p 80:80 -p 8022:22 hyzual/gitolite-http

# 2. Next, create the .htpasswd to enable HTTP access
# Please replace "password" with a more secure password
sudo docker exec gitolite-http htpasswd -cb /data/.htpasswd admin password

# 3. To enable HTTP access to your repository, we first have to access it through SSH
# Copy the private key from the container
sudo docker cp gitolite-http:/data/admin .

# 4. Clone the admin repository, using the copied admin key
# Assuming Docker is installed on localhost
ssh-agent bash -c 'ssh-add ./admin; git clone git@localhost:8022:gitolite-admin'

# 5. Finally, we need to give the R permission to the user daemon (which is Apache).
# Add a "R = daemon" line at the end of the "repo testing" block.
vim gitolite-admin/conf/gitolite.conf

git commit

git push

# 6. Now, test that admin has access to the testing repository through HTTP
# Assuming you redirect to port 80 on localhost
git clone http://admin:password@localhost:80/git/testing

# If you cloned the repository without error, it's a success !

To use existing Gitolite repositories :

First, we'll create a data-only container and we'll fill it with our existing gitolite data and repositories. You can see those instructions at gitolite-httpdata.

# Create a data-only container which will create the volumes needed
sudo docker run -d --name gitolite-httpdata hyzual/gitolite-httpdata

The container will stop immediately, which is normal.

Run another container with bash as command, bind-mount your existing repositories and copy them to the volumes. You will also need to change the permissions in the volume since gitolite-http will run with the image's git user. Assuming you already ran gitolite with user git on the host :

# Bind-mount gitolite's data to /hostdata and the repositories to /hostrepo
sudo docker run -it --rm --volumes-from gitolitedata -v /home/git:/hostdata -v /home/git/repositories:/hostrepo hyzual/gitolitedata sh

# Copy from /hostdata to the /data volume, copy from /hostrepo to the /repositories volume and change permissions.
cp -R /hostdata/.[!.]* /data \
	&& chown git:git -R /data \
	&& cp -R /hostrepo/* /repositories \
	&& chown git:git -R /repositories

# Check that the /data and /repositories have correct permissions, then exit from the container

Now run gitolite-http with the volumes from our data-only container. Don't bind the SSH port on the host.

sudo docker run -d --name gitolite-http --p 80:80 -p 8022:22 --volumes-from gitolite-httpdata hyzual/gitolite-http

Finally, follow the remaining instructions above (see First installation) from step 2 to configure the .htpasswd file and grant apache access to the repositories.

Debug :

# Apache Error log
docker exec gitolite-http cat /var/log/apache2/error.log
# Apache Access log
docker exec gitolite-http cat /var/log/apache2/access.log
# Check apache config
docker exec gitolite-http /usr/sbin/apachectl -t



/data/ should contain the admin's public key used to access gitolite through ssh. If you don't provide it using the volume, a new rsa key will be generated with that name (along with the private key at data/admin).

/data/.htpasswd should contain a list of usernames / passwords used to access gitolite through http. The usernames should match existing users of gitolite (i.e. with a public key).

The container will create a symlink from /data/repositories/ to the /repositories/ volume when started and Gitolite will create a /data/projects.list file.


/repositories will contain the git repositories managed by Gitolite. If you don't provide them using the volume, two repositories will be created (as with normal Gitolite installation) :

  • /repositories/gitolite-admin.git/ : the Gitolite administration repository. Use it to add SSH access by providing public keys for people in the keys/ repository. You can also create new repositories or add read or write access to people using their key's name. See the Gitolite Documentation for further information on how to administrate git repositories using Gitolite.
  • /repositories/testing.git/ : a test repository. Use it to test access to Gitolite with HTTP or SSH by cloning it. It's normal if it is empty.



Access Gitolite through SSH using the standard SSH port


Access Gitolite through HTTP using the standard HTTP port


Gitolite's installation steps are heavily borrowed from aostanin's Gitolite, so thanks to him ! Check out his images !


Gitolite with HTTP support on Docker. Uses Apache httpd 2.2, on debian.







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