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This is the svelteionic template bootstraped by sapper.

Make sure to change the appID in the capacitor.config.json

You can check the web version at
You can also check the android version by downloading it from the Releases section.

Installing the dependencies

Enter the following command to install the dependencies: npm i or yarn i (Based on your package manager)

Starting the server

enter the following commandd into your cmd/cli:
npm dev

Building the app

Enter the follwoing command to build your app:
ionic build

Running the app in android studio

Type the following cmmands in your cmd/cli to run the app in Android Studio:
Make sure to set the set Android Gradle Plugin Version as 3.6.1 and Gradle version as 6.2.1 in the Project Structure from the file menu of Android Studio oor your app may not compile.
Also make sure to initialise the Android platform by the following command: ionic cap platform add android
You can either use the following single command: npm run Android or use a set of commands for running the project in Android Studio:
ionic build
ionic cap copy
ionic cap sync
ionic cap open android