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A Flutter application to plan personal daily tasks, activities and routines that can be used with Supabase or Isar for the backend.


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style: very good analysis Codecov License: MIT

A Flutter application to plan personal daily tasks, activities and routines that can be used with Supabase or Isar for the backend.



Dark theme


  • 2 backend alternatives: Supabase and Isar.
  • Email authentication (if used with Supabase).
  • Calendar and timeline view for daily tasks and activities.
  • Timetable for weekly routines.
  • Activities types: task, routine, and event.
  • Reminders for activities and remaining tasks*.
  • Settings for user configuration, appearance, and tasks reminders.
  • Responsive ui.

*reminders only work on android and ios (ios needs extra set up)

Set up


This step is only needed if you want to use this app with Supabase.

  1. Create a new project.

  2. Create a new table, named routines with the following rows (RLS enable).

    Name Type Extra Other
    id int8 Is identity -
    user_id uuid Is nullable Foreign key (table: users, column: id)
    name text - -
    day int2 - -
    start_time time - -
    end_time time - -
  3. Create a new table, named 'activities', with the following rows (RLS enable).

    Name Type Extra Other
    id int8 Is identity -
    user_id uuid Is nullable Foreign key (table: users, column: id)
    name text Is nullable -
    type int2 - Default value: 0
    date date - -
    start_time time - -
    end_time time - -
    description text Is nullable -
    links text Is nullable, define as array -
    routine_id int8 Is nullable Foreign key (table: routines, column: id)
  4. Create a new table, named 'tasks', with the following rows (RLS enable).

    Name Type Extra Other
    id int8 Is identity -
    user_id uuid Is nullable Foreign key (table: users, column: id)
    title text Is nullable -
    date date - -
    completed bool - -
  5. Create a new policy for all tables.

    • Allowed operation: ALL.
    • USING expression: auth.uid() = user_id.
    • WITH CHECK expression: (role() = 'authenticated'::text).
  6. In authentication settings, disable email confirmations.


  1. Clone this repo.
  2. In the root directory, create a new file named '.env' with the following lines.

Running the project⚡

Run the desired flavor (production is the flavor that uses Isar, development and staging are the same and use Supabase).

# Development (Supabase)
$ flutter run --flavor development --target lib/main_development.dart

# Staging (Supabase)
$ flutter run --flavor staging --target lib/main_staging.dart
# Production (Isar)
$ flutter run --flavor production --target lib/main_production.dart

Running Tests 🧑‍🔬

To run all unit and widget tests use the following command:

flutter test --coverage --test-randomize-ordering-seed random

Building the project


# Development (Supabase)
$ flutter build apk --target lib/main_development.dart

# Staging (Supabase)
$ flutter build apk --target lib/main_staging.dart
# Production (Isar)
$ flutter build apk --target lib/main_production.dart


# Development (Supabase)
$ flutter build windows --target lib/main_development.dart
$ flutter pub run msix:create --build-windows false

# Staging (Supabase)
$ flutter build windows --target lib/main_staging.dart
$ flutter pub run msix:create --build-windows false
# Production (Isar)
$ flutter build windows --target lib/main_production.dart
$ flutter pub run msix:create --build-windows false



If you have a suggestion or would to contribute feel free to contact me, fill an issue or make a pull request :).