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Term - terminal internet browser

term start

Term is a terminal-based interactive internet browser that works with a lightweight file format. Term-sites can offer information and interactivity with minimal download sizes. The simple format and set of features allows for wide compatibility to devices that can show a terminal and run Python. term usage

Using the browser

Install using this command:

pip3 install termbrowser

and start using this command:


or manually:

python3 -m termbrowser

Open links using their hotkeys ex. 1 for [1] Link Name

Press Escape twice to change the URL to load Press Tab to cycle focus of input fields Press Enter to submit an input field Press Alt(or Option) + Q to unfocus from an input field

Important Note

Term Browser sends requests using the header Content-Type: Term. Your server can distiguish that the request is coming from the Term Browser through this header.

File Format

Term files are read line by line. The first line of any term file declares the term version to be used. Ex:


The # character at the start of a line is used for commenting

# this is a comment!


There are 5 element types. cont, text, link, input, and action

Declare an element like so



Inside of that element, you can place attributes

	-width: 10
	-height: 5
	-border: line

A cont (container) is similar to a <div> in HTML

To specify an element's value, use :

text:Hello World!
# Note any spacing after the `:` is recorded ('text: Hello World!' returns a value of ' Hello World!'). Tabs, spaces, and empty lines separating elements are disregarded and are not required to follow a specific pattern.

Input fields can be created like so:

	-submit: my-action


Actions are blocks of code that you can write in a term file to provide interactivity to it's elements

To declare an action, use

action: my-action (


Values are passed to an action code block through a variable named value

	-submit: my-action
action: my-action (
	visit("http://localhost/hello?world=" + value)


The code executed in an action block is not of any specification or language, but is evaluated through SimpleEval.

See the scripting page.


Attributes for cont include width, height, border, direction, and padding.

Attributes for text include initial, align, and style

Attributes for link include url, align, and style

Attributes for input include submit, width, height, and padding

All elements accept a name property, which gives the actions of the page access to it's attributes and value. Accessing by name returns the first element in-order of the tree with that name.


Attributes that take in a mathematic value (like padding and width), can also use a percetange of the screen width or height using the pc keyword.

# A container that will take up half of the screen width
	-border: line
	-width: 50pc


Term was created by Martin Darazs


MIT License