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Dockerize Everything! 🐋

Build blog Build catalog Build restaurant MegaLinter

This project aims to demonstrate how to properly use Docker for any kind of project.

It contains 3 services:

For each service, there is a development and production environment, and a CI pipeline to make sure everything is building correctly.

Good practices 🚀

Docker is a powerful tool, but it can be hard to use properly.

Here are some good practices we followed:

  • Use multi-stage builds to reduce the size of the final image.
  • Use .dockerignore to avoid copying unnecessary files.
  • Don't use latest tag for images, use a specific version instead.
  • Don't use root user in your container, use a non-root user instead.
  • Use environment variables to configure your application.
  • Optimize layers cache by ordering your commands.
  • Use HEALTHCHECK to check if your application is running correctly.

Learn more about good practices in the Docker documentation.

Authors 👨‍💻

License 📝

License: MIT