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Simple NodeJS Password

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A lightweight password hashing tool for NodeJS applications.


The simple-nodejs-password package is a tool for hashing and comparing passwords for backend NodeJS applications. It contains only two functions, toHash and compare. These two functions leverage NodeJS's built-in scrypt and randomBytes functions from the native NodeJS crypto package to produce uniquely hashed passwords.


npm i simple-nodejs-password


Below we provide examples for the toHash and compare functions using both async/await syntax and promise .then() syntax. Please see the examples folder for a JavaScript and a TypeScript example.

Hashing a Password with toHash

The toHash function hashes a user's text password.

async/await Syntax for toHash

Given a user's text password that is stored in the variable password, the toHash function creates a hashed password as follows:

const hashAndSave = async () => {
  const hashedPassword = await toHash({ password });

  // Now save the hashed password to your favorite database...

In the above example, hashedPassword might be saved to MongoDB, PostgresSQL, or some other database for a backend signup route. The compare function may then be used to check if a user's supplied password corresponds with the hashed password stored in the database.

Promise .then() Syntax for toHash

Suppose a user's text password is stored in the variable password. The toHash function may be used via Promise syntax as follows:

toHash({ password })
  .then((hashedPassword) => {
    // Now save the hashed password to your favorite database...
  .catch((err) => console.error(`Error: ${err.message}`));

In the above example, hashedPassword might be saved to MongoDB, PostgresSQL, or some other database for a backend signup route. The compare function may then be used to check if a user's supplied password corresponds with the hashed password stored in the database.

Unique Hashes

In the above async/await and promise .then() examples, calling the toHash function multiple times on the same text password will result in uniquely hashed passwords. For example, using async/await syntax:

const someFunction = async () => {
  const hash1 = await toHash({ password });
  const hash2 = await toHash({ password });
  const hash3 = await toHash({ password });

The variables hash1, hash2, and hash3 will all be different strings.

Comparing Stored and Supplied Passwords with compare

The compare function checks if a user's supplied password matches with whatever was previously stored as the hashed password in a database. Like the toHash function, compare also returns a promise. The compare function's promise resolves with a boolean that is true if the passwords match, and false otherwise.

async/await Syntax for compare

Suppose the variable supplied contains the text a user entered for their password on a login form. Suppose that this user's hashed password from the toHash section is stored in another variable called stored. Then, the following function checks if the passwords match:

const someFunction = async () => {
  const passwordsMatch = await compare({

  if (passwordMatch) {
    // Password matched...
  } else {
    // They did not match...

The variable passwordMatch will be 'true' if the user entered the correct password, and 'false' otherwise.

Promise .then() Syntax for compare

Suppose the variable supplied contains the text a user entered for their password on a login form. Suppose that this user's hashed password from the toHash section is stored in another variable called stored. Then, the following function checks if the passwords match:

compare({ stored, supplied })
  .then((passwordMatch) => {
    if (passwordMatch) {
      // Password matched...
    } else {
      // They did not match...
  .catch((err) => console.error(`Error: ${err.message}`));
