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MARE, which stands for My Awesome Rendering Engine, is, as the name suggests, a rendering engine, which uses the HTML canvas element.

It was made to be used with another project of mine: My LIL CAT, which is a physics engine.

The library is written in ES6 and compiled through Webpack, so if you want to include just look in the lib folder and copy the mare.js in your libraries folder and add it to your index.html, or copy the source files and require them in your entry.

If you want to contribute it wuold be lovely, so don't hesitate to contact me or fork this repository!

Note that I have two different webpack configurations: one for when you want to build the demo app that is included, and one for when you want to update the library.

Run npm run dev:app to start building the app, and npm run dev:lib to just compile the library source.


To install this library, run the command npm install marejs and, once that completes, you'll be able to require it in your code:

const { Canvas } = require('marejs')

At this point you'll be able to create new canvases and draw onto them. Here is an example:

const { Canvas } = require('marejs')

// Create a 600 by 600 px canvas
let canvas = new Canvas(600, 600)

// Set a background color

// Draw a rectangle at the point (20, 20), and make it 100 by 100 px
canvas.rect(20, 20, 100, 100)

Check out the wiki section of the github repo to learn how to use it!

Also, this package goes really well with another package, currently in development, which is My lil' cat, which is a physics engine, which uses this as its renderer.

As a conclusion I'd like to thank Elisa (Cat O' Mine) Quagliaroli for being a great friend and giving me an idea for the name of the two libraries. She really is an amazing person, and I am grateful to her.