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„Golden Book” Bookstore - WEB

Heroku TypeScript Next JS Chakra License: GPL v3
Bookstore e-commerce focused on functionalities, not on design.


The bookstore has following functionalities:

  1. Order books through a multi-step form
  2. Register / Authenticate with Google
  3. Register / Authenticate with email and password
  4. View all-time personal orders in profile
  5. View current order status

The app is built using Next.JS with Chakra UI and Redux for state management.
Data is stored in a MongoDB Atlas cluster.

How to use (local)

  1. Clone the server git clone
  2. Install required dependencies of the server npm i
  3. Start, in this order, mongod and mongo processes
  4. Add a .env file with NODE_ENV=development
  5. Add a .env.development and fill in the variables similar to the .env.development.example file
  6. Run npm run start_local on the server
  7. Clone the web app git clone
  8. Install required dependencies of the web app npm i
  9. Run npm run dev on the web app

Flow of the app for authenticated user

User adds some books to cart by clicking „Add to cart” and then goes to „Cart” page. Fills in the checkout details and goes to account page to see the order summary.

This is the order in the database:

For those who are not authenticated, a modal will appear before entering the checkout process.
Account needed modal


There are 2 ways for registration:

  1. With Google account
  2. By email and password.

On 8 June 2022, registration by email and password will be closed.

Registration flow with Google

Each user is saved into the database
User saved to database

Registration flow with email and password


If user clicks the activation link again, he will get this message:

User saved to database
(before user clicks the activation link, the field isVerifiedEmail has value of false)


This project uses Redux as the state container management, wrapped in next-redux-wrapper npm package.

All reducers used:

export const allReducers = combineReducers({
  authenticated: authenticationReducer,
  shoppingCart: shoppingCartReducer,
  books: booksReducer,
  updatingStore: updatingStoreReducer,
  snackbar: snackbarReducer,
  user: userReducer

Below is a view on the Redux state and some actions that were dispatched.

Document models

import { Document } from 'mongoose';

All database models extend Document from mongoose and use Typescript interfaces, so every model can raise compile errors.

Project models:

  • admin
  • book
  • cd
  • order
  • payment
  • review
  • user

Mailgun dashboard

Below is a view of the mailgun dashboard, where we can see emails sent for users email activation.

Please note that, as stated above, on 8 June 2022, registration by email and password will be closed, hence also the email activation links.

Technologies used

  • Next.JS with Chakra UI, Typescript, SCSS


The web app is hosted on Heroku here
API is also hosted on Heroku here



License of this project is GNU GPL v3