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A Test Automation Framework template with reporting.

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Kali's Test Automation Frame-Work-In-Progress

This is an example / template Test Automation Suite I built using:
    Language: Java (JDK 12)
    Framework: Selenium
    Dependancy Management: Maven
    Reporting: Extent Reports
There is an example Report in the ExtentReports Folder if you wish to see 
the results of running the suite.  If you have any questions or suggestions
for improvements, let me know!

To Run Tests:

Open the TestNG.xml file in the regressiontests module
Select the test classes you wish to run
Right click anywhere in the file
Select "Run"
When complete, report will be in the ExtentReports folder

Reference Links / Notes

JDK 12:
Oracle Java SE Downloads

(Download and install, then go to File->Project Structure->SDKs and 
add the install directory there for IntelliJ.)

 Don't forget to add the Java and Maven entries to your 
 environment variables path (system variables - the one on the bottom)
 if you haven't already done so.
 Example Java & Maven System Variables (update as needed):
 Variable       Value
 JAVA_HOME      C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-12.0.1
 M2_HOME        C:\Program Files\Java\apache-maven-3.6.1\bin
 And add them to the "Path" variable: %JAVA_HOME% & %M2_HOME%

Apache Maven (Make sure you download the .bin and not the .src zip file):
Apache Maven 3.8.4 Release Notes
Apache Maven in 5 Minutes

Selenium Documentation

Extent Reports: (Current Version is 4 but I'm using 2)
Version 2 Documentation
Version 2 JAR files

Version 4 Documentation
Version 4 JAR files

Chromedriver Updates (Check periodically):
Boni García's WebDriverManager
Maintained by Boni García

Here is the framework tutorial I based mine on - I found it VERY helpful:
How to Develop a Test Automation Framework From Scratch?
Tutorial by Amir Ghahrai

Xpath Cheatsheets:
5 Best XPath Cheat Sheets and Quick References
DevHints Xpath CheatSheet

Integrating Extent Reports:
How to Generate Extent Reports in Selenium Webdriver
Tutorial by Manikanta Rajkumar Seka

GitHub Readme Formatting:
Writing on GitHub Note: if git is being weird with long file names, try this (in administrator mode): git config --system core.longpaths true

My Main IDE:
Jetbrains' IntelliJ IDE