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Frontend Mentor - Fylo dark theme landing page solution

This is a solution to the Fylo dark theme landing page challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

Table of contents


The challenge

Users should be able to:

  • View the optimal layout for the site depending on their device's screen size
  • See hover states for all interactive elements on the page

Full Screenshot


Built with

  • HTML5
  • CSS custom properties
  • Flexbox
  • CSS Grid
  • Mobile-first workflow

What I learned

My knowledge on HTML and CSS is developed because of the given challenge. My confusion on flexbox and on css grids are now clear.

<h1>Some HTML code I'm proud of</h1>
.proud-of-this-css {
  :root {
    /** Primary */
    --intro-email-background: hsl(217, 28%, 15%);
    --main-background: hsl(218, 28%, 13%);
    --footer-background: hsl(216, 53%, 9%);
    --testimonials-background: hsl(219, 30%, 18%);
    /** Accent */
    --cta-light: hsl(176, 68%, 64%);
    --cta-dark: hsl(198, 60%, 50%);
    /** Neutral */
    --font-color: hsl(0, 0%, 100%);
const proudOfThisFunc = function checkInputs() {
  //get values from the inputs
  const emailValue = email.value.trim();

  if (emailValue === "") {
    //show error
    // add error class
    setErrorFor(email, "Please enter a valid email address");
  } else if (!isEmail(emailValue)) {
    setErrorFor(email, "Please enter a valid email address");
  } else {
    //add success class

Continued development

For my future projects I want to try some projects wherein I got to test my javascript skills and then learn more about animations and try some css frameworks.

Useful resources

  • MDN Web Docs - MDN Web Docs - This helped me for understanding the use of syntax to use on my css. I really liked this website and will use it going if there's a term I cannot understand.
  • Kevin Powell - Kevin Powell - This is an amazing instructor which helped me finally understand CSS GRIDS and CSS FLEXBOX. I'd recommend it to anyone still learning this concept.



I would like to thank anyone who have helped me complete this project.