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Building Blocks for a QA Engineer Interview

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A simple TODO app with user authentication

In cypress/integration, create some sample UI tests using the built-in tooling (Cypress). Consult the documentation for how to properly write tests and organize them in a manner you see fit. We will ask questions about:

  • What you choose to test
  • What you choose not to test
  • How you organize the tests
  • How robust your test suite is

Bonus points for finding bugs!

Setup and running instructions


  • Node Version Manager (nvm) and Node v. 14
  • Yarn
  • Docker
  • Mac (if you're not on a Mac, give it a whirl, but you're on your own!)

Install Docker

To make sure it works, open a terminal and run docker -v. The output should look similar to:

$ docker -v
Docker version 20.10.2, build 2291f61

Install NVM

Follow the instructions at

To test that it works, open a terminal and run nvm -v. The output should look similar to:

$ nvm -v

Install and use Node

$ nvm install 14
$ nvm use

To make sure it worked, the following command should produce output like the below:

$ node -v

Install Yarn

$ npm i -g yarn

To make sure it worked, the following command should produce output like below:

$ yarn -v

Install dependencies

$ yarn

Start Docker Dependencies

$ yarn docker

Run the migrations

$ yarn db:reset

If there are no errors, the output should look something like:

yarn n scripts/dbReset.ts; yarn db:migrate
yarn ts-node --transpile-only -r dotenv/config scripts/dbReset.ts
/Users/.../qa-engineer-code-sample/node_modules/.bin/ts-node --transpile-only -r dotenv/config scripts/dbReset.ts
Cleaning up existing schema
Creating schema
yarn knex migrate:latest
yarn n node_modules/.bin/knex migrate:latest
yarn ts-node --transpile-only -r dotenv/config node_modules/.bin/knex migrate:latest
/Users/.../qa-engineer-code-sample/node_modules/.bin/ts-node --transpile-only -r dotenv/config node_modules/.bin/knex migrate:latest
Batch 1 run: 1 migrations

Start the Development Server

$ yarn develop

The server is ready as soon as you see the following in your console:

[develop:gql] 🚀 GraphQL server ready at http://localhost:4000/
[develop:frontend] ℹ 「wds」: Project is running at http://localhost:8080/

Navigate to the site

$ open http://localhost:8080

Open the Test Runner

$ yarn cypress open

To write tests and view a sample test, open the folder:
