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A mobile-first, full-stack, web application for lovers of metal music that aims to link them with other fans of the genre


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A mobile-first, full-stack, web application for lovers of metal music that aims to link them with other fans of the genre

Developed By

Jack Chou, Andrew Song, and Keith Tachibana

Technologies Used

Dependency Version
@Babel/Core 7.8.0
@Babel/Plugin-Transform-React-JSX 7.8.0
Axios 0.19.2
Babel-Loader 8.0.6
Bcrypt 4.0.1
Bootstrap 4.4.1
CORS 2.8.5
Disconnect 1.2.1
Dotenv 8.2.0
Express 4.17.1
Express-Session 1.17.0
FontAwesome 5.11.2
Lodash 4.17.15
Moment 2.24.0
Multer 1.4.2
Node-Fetch 2.6.0
Node-Mailer 0.1.1
PG 7.17.1
PM2 4.2.3
PostgreSQL 10.10
React 16.12.0
React-DOM 16.12.0
React-Router-DOM 5.1.2
Session-File-Store 1.3.1 2.3.0
Webpack 4.41.5
Webpack-CLI 3.3.10
YouTube-API-Search 0.0.5

Live Demo

Try the application live on my portfolio website


  • * Users can register for an account by setting up a password which gets hashed and saved in the database
  • * Users can authenticate themselves at the login page using said password
  • * Users can reset their password and be sent an e-mail containing a password reset link that expires in 1 hour using a token
  • * Users can post comments, album reviews, or other information for others to see when they log into the application, sorted by date from most recent to oldest
  • * Users can add a profile to their account, including a profile picture, screen name, e-mail address, real name, location, phone number, and favorite sub-genres of metal
  • * Users can view their individual post history (if any) and edit or delete them
  • * Users can search for concerts via the TicketMaster API and see the results in tabular format
  • * Users can also view the concert search results on Google Maps as clickable, animated markers with the corresponding concert information
  • * Users can join a global chat session with other currently logged-in users and message each other in real-time
  • * Users can log out and rejoin the chat room and still see all previous chat messages
  • * Users can search for band profiles using the Discogs API
  • * Users can search for YouTube videos and play them inside the application


Metalink Preview


System Requirements

Requirement Version
Nginx 1.10 or higher
Node 10 or higher
NPM 6 or higher
PM2 4 or higher
PostgreSQL 10 or higher
Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository
git clone
  1. Change directory to cloned folder
cd Metalink/
  1. Install all dependencies with NPM
npm install
  1. Start PostgreSQL server
sudo service postgresql start
  1. Create the database
createdb metalink
  1. Import the schema and dummy data
npm run db:import
  1. Edit your nginx default site configuration to reverse proxy the Express.js server
cd /etc/nginx/sites-available
sudo nano default
  • 7a. In the "server" code block, add this underneath the first location definition:
location /api {

location / {
  proxy_http_version 1.1;
  proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
  proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
  proxy_set_header Host $host;
  • 7b. Save your changes (Ctrl + O) and exit (Ctrl + X)
  • 7c. Link your default site to the sites-enabled directory (if not already done):
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/default /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
  1. Start nginx
sudo service nginx start
  1. Make a copy of the .env.example file, update it with your PostgreSQL credentials, and add your API keys to it
cp .env.example .env
  1. Transpile React components using Webpack
npm run build
  1. Start the Express.js server using the PM2 module
sudo pm2 --name "Metalink" start "npm run start"
  1. Open your default web browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000/ to see the result!