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🌈 VividHues 📦

Super light Python string formatter!

👉 👈

🛠️ Official Installation

Instant Installer + Updater

  👉     👈

📃 Instant Installer   —   Instructions

Once you've downloaded
Run the command bash in your shell/CLI. (Or... double click the file)

📝 Note!

This requires Bash to be installed on your OS. Git Bash or WSL are two of many to pick from!

🌀 Replit Installation

👉 Replit instructions in here! 👈
  1. Upload the installer script to your project's file system
  1. Run bash in the shell

🐚 Manual Shell Installation

👉 Manual instructions in here! 👈
Pop this command in your CLI/shell/terminal to install VividHues.
$ pip install VividHues

💡 Tip

Use this command to update
pip install --upgrade VividHues

🚢 Importing

Stick this wherever you need VividHues!
from VividHues import Clr

🧱 Dependency

requirements.txt    (Highly Recommended!)

Append the following to your Python packages requirements.txt...
Changelog 📰
VividHues>=3.0.0    #  basics: only has Clr codes
VividHues>=4.1.0    #  new: abbreviations & "Magic Functions"
VividHues>=5.2.0    #  Magic Function: Clr.pattern()
VividHues>=5.3.0    #  all Magic Functions no longer leak color
VividHues>=5.4.0    #  Clr.delPrevLine()

.github/Dependabot.yml    (optional, but needs requirements.txt)

First, if you don't already have a .github directory, create one.
Then, add a Dependabot.yml file to it.
version: 2
  - package-ecosystem: "pip"
    directory: "/"
      interval: "daily"

Dockerfile 🐳    (optional)

You can use this if you have a Docker container.
# recommended
COPY requirements.txt .
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
# alternatively...
RUN pip install VividHues

🐍 Python Example

print(Clr.BO + Clr.UL + Clr.rainbow('I love VividHues!'))
print(Clr.RED + "It's got my fave color!" + Clr.RS)
print(f"Soooo {Clr.jazzy('jazzy')}")
#                          ^^^
# you'll get an error using "" in f-string interpolations
print(Clr.pattern("Kenny Oliver", Clr.PURPLE, Clr.CYAN, Clr.LIME))

⚠️ Preventing Color Leakage!

What is color leakage??? 🤔

👉 Color leakage is when you have forgotten to use Clr.RS/Clr.RESET 👈 to reset the formatting after the last character printed to the standard output!

It results in any trailing characters, in the output stream, to continue to have the same formatting.

This is an intentional feature, because it allows for the formatting of entire chunks of code in one go. See the example

📝 Note!

As of VividHues>=5.3.0, ALL magic functions do not leak color.

Previously, it was only Clr.random()!

How do I prevent/solve this? 🎉

🅰️ End print() with Clr.RS/Clr.RESET   —   Short 'n' Sweet! 🍬

print(... + Clr.RS)  # recommended!

print(..., Clr.RS)

print(..., end=Clr.RS+"\n")

🅱️ Format chunks of code   —   Highly Recommended! 👍

# start formatting here
print(Clr.BOLD + Clr.RED, end="")

if something:
  print(Clr.BLUE + "blah blah blah" + Clr.RS)
  for x in range(100):
    # lots of print statements

# end formatting here
print(Clr.RS, end="")

💡 Tip!

These solutions also prevent the leakage of other formatting

(e.g. Clr.BO, Clr.BOLD, Clr.UL, Clr.UNDERLINE)

🌈 Available Clr codes:

Just put a code in the gap Clr.___

Formatter:      UNDERLINE, UL, BOLD, BO
Reset:             RESET, RS
📝 Note!
In order to make your life easy, when reading the documentation,
Your import statement should be the following... 👇

from VividHues import Clr so that you can use Clr.___

🗑️ Erasing the previous line

VividHues provides you with a quick way to erase the last line of the CLI!

# Delete the last printed line of the CLI
# Delete the last  5  printed lines

🪄 Magic Functions!!!

💡 TIP!
Magic Functions do not leak color (as of VividHues>=5.3.0)

🎲 Clr.random()

print(  Clr.random(string)  )
Paints your string in a random Clr code.

🎷 Clr.jazzy()

print(  Clr.jazzy(string)  )
Paints each letter in jazzy random colors! It's a total gamble, that's guaranteed to be ugly! :)

🌈 Clr.rainbow()

print(  Clr.rainbow(string)  )
Paints your string in a rainbow pattern.

🧪 Clr.pattern()

print(  Clr.pattern(string, *color)  )
Paint your letters in a repeating pattern, by specifying an unlimited amount of Clr codes!

💪 How VividHues stacks up...

Feature VividHues colorama termcolor
Font Colors
Background/Highlight 🤞
Most Lightweight
Cursor Positioning
Special/Unique Features
Total 7/9 6/9 6/9

Potentially, VividHues will have more features than the alternatives if they are implemented.

🔎 Getting Package Info

VividHues comes with a variety of 'dunder' values that you can check out.

An important example is checking out the current version: VividHues.__version__

📝 Note!
The import is different this time!
import VividHues

Dunders Command

You can use the following command to find out all the possible dunders!


Dunder Values

Dunder What It Does Expected Output
__author__ author "Kenneth Oliver ©2022"
__desc__ description "Super light Python string formatter! 🌈 📦"
__homepage__ GitHub URL ""
__package__ package name "VividHues"
__pypi__ Pypi URL ""
__version__ current version (whatever the current version is!)
For example, using print(VividHues.__version__) will display the current version.

🙌 Wanna contribute?

Contribute here 👉 Click me!

⚠️ Make sure that you read the Code of Conduct 👉 Click me!

Kenny Oliver ©2024