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Compose Multiplatform Navigation - Pragmatic, type safety navigation for Compose Multiplatform. Based on Freeletics Navigation.


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solivagant 🔆

Compose Multiplatform Navigation - Pragmatic, type safety navigation for Compose Multiplatform. Based on Freeletics Navigation.

  • Integrate with Jetpack Compose and Compose Multiplatform seamlessly.

  • Integrate with kmp-viewmodel library seamlessly

    • Stack entry scoped ViewModel, exists as long as the stack entry is on the navigation stack, including the configuration changes on Android.
    • Supports SavedStateHandle, used to save and restore data over configuration changes or process death on Android.
  • Type safety navigation, easy to pass data between destinations.

  • Supports Multi-Backstacks, this is most commonly used in apps that use bottom navigation to separate the back stack of each tab. See Freeletics Navigation - Multiple back stacks.

  • Supports Lifecycle events, similar to AndroidX Lifecycle library.

Note: This library is still in alpha, so the API may change in the future.


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Getting started

  • The concept is similar to Freeletics Navigation library, so you can read the Freeletics Navigation to understand the concept.

1. Create NavRoots, NavRoutes

data object StartScreenRoute : NavRoute, NavRoot

data object SearchProductScreenRoute : NavRoute

2. Create NavDestinations along with Composables and ViewModels

val StartScreenDestination: NavDestination =
  ScreenDestination<StartScreenRoute> { StartScreen() }

internal fun StartScreen(
  modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
  viewModel: StartViewModel = koinKmpViewModel(),
) {
  // UI Composable

class StartViewModel(
  // used to trigger navigation actions from outside the view layer (e.g. from a ViewModel).
  // Usually, it is singleton object, or the host Activity retained scope.
  private val navigator: NavEventNavigator,
) : ViewModel() {
  internal fun navigateToProductsScreen() = navigator.navigateTo(ProductsScreenRoute)
  internal fun navigateToSearchProductScreen() = navigator.navigateTo(SearchProductScreenRoute)
val SearchProductScreenDestination: NavDestination =
  ScreenDestination<SearchProductScreenRoute> { SearchProductsScreen() }

fun SearchProductsScreen(
  modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
  viewModel: SearchProductsViewModel = koinKmpViewModel<SearchProductsViewModel>(),
) {
  // UI Composable

class SearchProductsViewModel(
  private val searchProducts: SearchProducts,
  private val savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle,
  // used to trigger navigation actions from outside the view layer (e.g. from a ViewModel).
  // Usually, it is singleton object, or the host Activity retained scope.
  private val navigator: NavEventNavigator,
) : ViewModel() {
  fun navigateToProductDetail(id: Int) {

3. Setup

private val AllDestinations: ImmutableSet<NavDestination> = persistentSetOf(
  // and more ...

fun MyAwesomeApp(
  // used to trigger navigation actions from outside the view layer (e.g. from a ViewModel).
  // Usually, it is singleton object, or the host Activity retained scope.
  navigator: NavEventNavigator,
  modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
) {
  var currentRoute: BaseRoute? by remember { mutableStateOf(null) }

    modifier = modifier,
    // route to the screen that should be shown initially
    startRoute = StartScreenRoute,
    // should contain all destinations that can be navigated to
    destinations = AllDestinations,
    navEventNavigator = navigator,
    destinationChangedCallback = { currentRoute = it },
class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
  override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle) {

    // navigator can be retrieved from the DI container, such as Koin, Dagger Hilt, etc.

    setContent {
        navigator = navigator

4. Use NavEventNavigator in ViewModels

// navigate to the destination that the given route leads to
// navigate up in the hierarchy
// navigate to the previous destination in the backstack
// navigate back to the destination belonging to the referenced route and remove all destinations
// in between from the back stack, depending on inclusive the destination
navigator.navigateBackTo<MainScreenRoute>(inclusive = false)


  • Samples sample: a complete sample using Compose Multiplatform (Android, Desktop, iOS)
    • solivagant-navigation for navigation in Compose Multiplatform.
    • kmp-viewmodel to share ViewModel and SavedStateHandle.
    • Koin DI.


  • Add more tests
  • Support transition when navigating


                                 Apache License
                           Version 2.0, January 2004


Compose Multiplatform Navigation - Pragmatic, type safety navigation for Compose Multiplatform. Based on Freeletics Navigation.







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  • Kotlin 99.8%
  • Shell 0.2%