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Automated version increment

This repo has semantic version increment automatization based on version.txt file and a script

The script is placed in the .project_scripts hidden folder
You can run it manually. To do so you need to create a VERSION.txt file in the root directory and run the script with one of the following prefixes as an argument

Allowed prefixes:
release | feature | bugfix | alpha | beta | rc

Terminal command example:
.project_scripts/ release

How this works:

The Development_semver_increment.yml workflow extracts the semantic version fragment from the last commit with the following regular expression

regexp: [release]|[feature]|[bugfix]|[alpha]|[beta]|[rc]|release/|feature/|bugfix/|alpha/|beta/|rc/

Then runs the version increment script which updates the version file by the version fragment and commit the changes

Example steps:

  • add VERSION.txt file to the project and type some initial version into it. Like 0.0.0
  • branch from development with one of the branch prefixes "release", "feature", "bugfix", "alpha", "beta", "rc" in the branch name
    • example: feature/add-some-feature
  • add some changes
  • merge your branch into development via pull request
  • the github actions workflow will automatically parse the merge commit, find prefix, increment semantic version in the version file and commit changes into development branch

*you also can trigger the workflow by pushing the commit with the prefix in the brackets like this "[feature] commit message"


There is a .githook folder with a pre-commit hook. You can apply branch prefix check by adding the hook to the .git -> hooks folder or just use .githook folder with the following command:

git config core.hooksPath .githooks

This pre-commit hook will prevent commiting into a branch with wrong prefix