- LeoVie/clover-crap-check - Reads the clover.xml report from phpunit and checks, if all files have a CRAP index below a specified threshold (today)
- LeoVie/leovie - Generates fancy Github profile readme (1 month ago)
- LeoVie/aliasses - Git and Bash aliasses (1 year ago)
- LeoVie/filecount-api - Stupid simple REST API to list count of files with specified extension in specified directories.
- LeoVie/phpstorm-templates - Custom PhpStorm templates
- LeoVie/clover-crap-check - Reads the clover.xml report from phpunit and checks, if all files have a CRAP index below a specified threshold
- LeoVie/phpstan-baseline-guard - Prevent your phpstan baseline from growing
- LeoVie/mocking-strategy - Small repo to demonstrate different mocking strategies
- LeoVie/leovie - Generates fancy Github profile readme
- LeoVie/xdry - Programming language agnostic clone detection
- LeoVie/xdry-javascript-plugin - JavaScript plugin for xdry
- LeoVie/xdry-php-plugin - PHP plugin for xdry
- LeoVie/jetbrains-wsl-cli-adapter - Allows you to use the CLI of JetBrains IDEs for Windows via WSL
- LeoVie/clover-crap-check (v2.0.2, today) - Reads the clover.xml report from phpunit and checks, if all files have a CRAP index below a specified threshold
- Update dependencies, require php 8.4 on LeoVie/clover-crap-check (today)
- fix: add missing space before headerClass (#138) on siemens/ngx-datatable (2 months ago)
- #112 Remove dead menu link on usebruno/bruno-docs (6 months ago)
- fix(_Sidebar): broken stickers link on ohmyzsh/wiki (1 year ago)
- Remove nette/utils to allow easier install on TomasVotruba/unused-public (2 years ago)
- Add support for PHP 8.1 on LeoVie/clover-crap-check (2 years ago)
- Use correct filename for phar on LeoVie/phpstan-baseline-guard (2 years ago)
- Build phar after release on LeoVie/phpstan-baseline-guard (2 years ago)
- Fix edge case: Baseline is not empty, but actual result is empty on LeoVie/clover-crap-check (2 years ago)
- Allow crap check results to have different order and still be conside… on LeoVie/clover-crap-check (2 years ago)
- ericsizemore/phpunit-coverage-check - Check the code coverage using the clover report of PHPUnit. (today)
- nihalgonsalves/pg-error-enum - TypeScript Enum for Postgres Errors with no runtime dependencies. Also compatible with plain JavaScript. (10 months ago)
- renyuneyun/parse-link-header-ts - Parses a link header and returns paging information for each contained link. (1 year ago)
- phpstan/phpstan - PHP Static Analysis Tool - discover bugs in your code without running it! (1 year ago)
- Danack/RfcCodex - Notes on PHP RFCs, and topics that occur repeatedly on PHP internals (2 years ago)
- olvlvl/composer-attribute-collector - A convenient and near zero-cost way to retrieve targets of PHP 8 attributes (2 years ago)
- krakphp/money-normalizer - Money Normalizer (2 years ago)
- schollz/progressbar - A really basic thread-safe progress bar for Golang applications (2 years ago)
- andreafabrizi/Dropbox-Uploader - Dropbox Uploader is a BASH script which can be used to upload, download, list or delete files from Dropbox, an online file sharing, synchronization and backup service. (2 years ago)
- phpDocumentor/phpDocumentor - Documentation Generator for PHP (3 years ago)