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Site with the Resources of the Linguistic Convergence Laboratory.


The system should have R, quarto and the following R packages: tidyverse, ymlthis, and yaml. It would be good to have GNU Make too, but it is also possible to complile the website without it.


In order to compile you can clone the repository, cd to it and type make.

If you do not have GNU Make on the system, you can compile the English and Russian versions of the website manually:

a) English version

quarto render ./

b) Russian version

quarto render ./ru

Update of the website

  1. To update the website you will need to update information in data.tsv. In case you need to change the text of the website, see index.qmd, resources.qmd, ru/index.qmd, and ru/resources.qmd.
  2. After the update you will need to run the R script stored in scripts/create_ymls.R. This script will create a bunch of .yml files in the ./ymls folder including two general .yml files: _quarto-english.yml and _quarto-russian.yml.
  3. After the update of the .yml files you will need to replace the files in the ./ and ./ru folders:
cp ymls/_quarto-english.yml ./_quarto.yml
cp ymls/_quarto-russian.yml ru/_quarto.yml
  1. Once _quarto.yml is updated in all folders, we can render the site as in the compilation section.

Update the website on the server

  1. Create an archive of the docs folder:
tar -cf site.tar docs/*
  1. Pull the archive to the server:
rsync -avz /path/to/your/archive/site.tar
  1. Log in to the server and extract data from the archive
tar -xvf site.tar
  1. Move everything to the /var/www/html folder.
sudo rsync -a _site/* /var/www/html/
  1. Clean:
rm -dr _site/
rm site.tar