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NodeJS express middleware for multi-language websites


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Node express middleware for detecting requested language based on:

  1. URI prefix e.g. /en/home/
  2. Cookie value e.g. lang=en
  3. HTTP header e.g. Accept-Language=en-US,en;q=0.5
  4. Default language code Request will be modified such that URI does not start with language code and new attribute lang gets added to the request object.

Express Example


const express = require('express');
const {LanguageRouter} = require('lup-language');

const app = express();

// Add LanguageRouter as middleware that modifies request object 
// based on given options (see documentation).
// Here parameter 'languages' is a list of language codes that 
// your app will accept.
    languages: ['en', 'de']

// Create your custom routes and retriev request language code 
// by reading it from req.lang
app.get('/', function(req, res){
    res.send("Your requested language is: "+req.lang.toUpperCase()+"<br>"+
             "You can access translations from the translations dir using: "+req.TEXT['TranslationKey']);

app.listen(80, function(){
    console.log("Server running");

Next.js with Express Example


import express from 'express';
import next from 'next';

const dev = Config.isDevMode();
const HTTP_BIND = process.env.HTTP_BIND || "";
const HTTP_PORT = parseInt(process.env.HTTP_PORT || "80") || 80;

const nextApp = next({dev: dev});
const nextHandler = nextApp.getRequestHandler();

nextApp.prepare().then(async () => {
    const app = express();

    // language middleware
    app.use(await LanguageRouter({
        useNextLanguages: false, /* true if Next ≤12 and i18n */
        languagesFromTranslations: true,
        redirectRoot: true, 

    // TODO add here your custom routes ...

    // all frontend routes
    app.all('*', (req: Request | any, res: Response) => {
        // add language prefix back to url (got removed by LanguageRouter)
        const idx1 = req.url.lastIndexOf("."), idx2 = req.url.lastIndexOf("/");
        req.url = (idx1 > idx2 || req.url.startsWith("/"+req.lang) || req.url.startsWith("/_next")) ? 
                    req.originalUrl : "/"+req.lang+req.url;

        return nextHandler(req, res);

    // start server
    app.listen(HTTP_PORT, HTTP_BIND, function(){
        console.log("Server running at "+HTTP_BIND+":"+HTTP_PORT+" in "+(dev ? "development" : "production")+" mode");

Next.js ≤12 Page Example


// Next.js page
export default function Home({LANGUAGE_NAMES, TEXT}){

    let components = [];
    for(let lang in LANGUAGE_NAMES){
        let name = LANGUAGE_NAMES[lang];
        components.push(<a href={'/'+lang+'/'}>{name}</a>);

    return (

export async function getStaticProps(context){
    const TEXT = await getTranslations(context.locale, context.defaultLocale, [
        'TranslationKey', 'HelloWorld' 

    return {
        props: {
            LANGUAGE_NAMES: await getLanguageNames(),
            TEXT: TEXT

Next.js ≥13 Page Example


'use server';
import "server-only";
import { getTranslations } from "lup-language";

export default async function loadTranslations(locale: string, translationKeys: string[]): Promise<{[key: string]: string}> {
    return await getTranslations(locale, 'en', translationKeys); // second argument is default locale



import React from "react";
import styles from './page.module.css';
import loadTranslations from "../translations";
import { StaticParamsContext } from "../../../services/Types.service";

export default async function Home({ params }: StaticParamsContext) {
  const locale = params.locale;
  const TEXT = await loadTranslations(locale, ['HelloWorld']);

  return <>

export async function generateStaticParams(context: StaticParamsContext) {
  return [];


NodeJS express middleware for multi-language websites







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