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[Astro] General cleanup (#31) #111

[Astro] General cleanup (#31)

[Astro] General cleanup (#31) #111

Triggered via push February 12, 2024 03:26
Status Failure
Total duration 46s


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11 errors and 5 warnings
Process completed with exit code 1.
ESLint: src/env.d.ts#L1
Do not use a triple slash reference for astro/client, use `import` style instead
ESLint: src/env.d.ts#L5
Use an `interface` instead of a `type`
ESLint: src/lib/server/miniflare.ts#L2
Use an `interface` instead of a `type`
ESLint: src/lib/server/miniflare.ts#L6
Use an `interface` instead of a `type`
ESLint: src/lib/server/miniflare.ts#L13
Missing return type on function
ESLint: src/lib/server/miniflare.ts#L27
Missing return type on function
ESLint: src/lib/server/miniflare.ts#L42
Missing return type on function
ESLint: src/lib/server/miniflare.ts#L56
Missing return type on function
ESLint: src/lib/server/miniflare.ts#L70
Missing return type on function
ESLint: src/middleware.ts#L14
Returning an awaited promise is required in this context
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/checkout@v3, actions/setup-node@v3. For more information see:
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/checkout@v3, actions/setup-node@v3. For more information see:
ESLint: src/pages/index.astro#L9
Classname 'text-gradient' is not a Tailwind CSS class!
ESLint: src/pages/index.astro#L10
Classname 'text-gradient' is not a Tailwind CSS class!
ESLint: src/pages/index.astro#L13
Classname 'instructions' is not a Tailwind CSS class!