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NGINX Docker Image & Helm Chart for Openshift

Application Architecture Overview

Application Architecture Overview

This repository consists of two things:

  1. NGINX Dockerfile and its necessary assets for building

  2. NGINX Helm Chart including NGINX Prometheus Exporter.

Docker Image

We are using nginxinc/nginx-unprivileged as a base image in order to run NGINX with non-root privileges so it's possible to run it in an Openshift cluster (as we know, Openshift does not allow running containers with root privileges).

Besides that the Dockerfile is pretty straight forward so you can check it out yourself.

Main Config Files

  1. /etc/nginx/conf.d/deafult.conf - Main server configurations. This server runs on port 8080 and it should process all of incoming traffic.

  2. /etc/nginx/conf.d/status_site.conf - This server runs on port 8081 and provides access to basic status data. You should use this server in order to make liveness checks on your application. This server should not be accessible outside the cluster.

OpenTelemetry Support

There's support for instrumenting NGINX with OpenTelemetry (currently only for tracing), simply provide these environment variables:

Environment Variable Description Default Value
OTEL_SERVICE_NAME Name of service nginx-proxy
OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT Endpoint address of OpenTelemetry Collector localhost:4317
OTEL_TRACES_SAMPELR Sampling method AlwaysOff
OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER_PARENT_BASED Use parent-based sampling false

Authroization Mechanism

Since we are using Open Policy Agent (aka OPA) as our gatekeeper, it's necessary to integrate NGINX with it.

  • The docker image contains the auth.js file, which is responsible for handling requests that require authorization but the NGINX server does not actually handle the authorization process - we commented the code section responsible for this logic.

Log Format

The docker image provides default log format (/etc/nginx/log_format). It's not possible to extend the log format, so if you'd want to add/remove certain fields you have to override it.

Helm Chart

There is also an Helm Chart for deploying this NGINX in an Openshift environment (let alone any K8S environment). Besides NGINX, this Helm Chart also deploys (on deamend) a Prometheus exporter for NGINX using nginx-prometheus-exporter. Follow the parameters below in order to configure NGINX and its Prometheus exporter as you wish.


These are the main parameters you should adjust when you deploy this Helm Chart. You can find all parameters in the values.yaml file.

NGINX Parameters

Name Description Value
nameOverride String to partially override fullname template (will maintain the release name) ""
fullnameOverride String to fully override fullname template ""
image.repository Docker image name nginx
image.tag Docker image tag latest
resources.enabled Use custom resources true
resources.value.limits.cpu Pod CPU limit 100m
resources.value.limits.memory Pod memory limit 128Mi
resources.value.requests.cpu Pod CPU request 100m
resources.value.requests.memory Pod memory request 128Mi
additionalPodAnnotations Use this property in order to add custom annotations to the Pod {}
env.opentelemetry.serviceName OpenTelemetry service name to be associated your NGINX application nginx
env.opentelemetry.exporterEndpoint OpenTelemetry Collector endpoint address localhost:4317
env.opentelemetry.samplerMethod OpenTelemetry sampling method AlwaysOff
env.opentelemetry.ratio OpenTelemetry sampling ratio 0.1
env.opentelemetry.parentBased Use OpenTelemetry parnet-based sampling false
authorization.enabled Use authroization mechanism true
authorization.domain Your authorization domain example
authorization.url Authorization endpoint http://localhost:8181/v1/data/http/authz/decision
route.enabled Expose NGINX as an Openshift route true
route.path Path of route / Host of route
route.timeout.enabled Use custom timeout duration of the route false
route.timeout.durationSeconds Set the timeout duration of the route. Defaults to 30s by Openshift 60s
route.rewriteTarget Rewrite route target
route.tls.enabled Use route over HTTPS true
route.tls.termination Set the termination of the route false
route.tls.insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy Policy for traffic on insecure schemes like HTTP false
route.tls.useCerts Use custom certificates for the route false
route.tls.certificate Set the certificate of the route
route.tls.key Set the key of the route
route.tls.caCertificate Set the CA certificate of the route
ingress.enabled Expose NGINX as an Ingress false
ingress.path Path of ingress / Host of ingress localhost
ingress.domain Domain of ingress
ingress.tls.enabled Use ingress over HTTPS true
ingress.tls.secretName Secret name of ingress that points to the relevant custom certificates
extraVolumes List of extra volumes that are added to the Deployment []
extraVolumeMounts List of extra volumeMounts that are added to the NGINX container []
sidecars String consists of a list of sidecars containers that are added to the Deployment ``

Overriding NGINX configuration files

If you wish to override the default configuration files, you can do it by providing an external ConfigMap and supplying Volumes & VolumeMounts that'll be added to the Deployment. In this example we override the default.conf file by creating a ConfigMap and overriding the extraVolumes, extraVolumeMounts and sidecars sections:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: nginx-extra-configmap
  default.conf: {{ tpl (.Files.Get "config/default.conf") . | quote }}

And then, in the values.yaml file:

  - name: nginx-extra-config
    name: 'nginx-extra-configmap'
  - name: nginx-extra-config
    mountPath: "/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf"
    subPath: default.conf
 - name: envoy
   image: "envoyproxy/envoy:v1.20.7"
   volumeMounts: []
   args: []
   ports: []
   resources: {}

Adding Custom Annotations

There's an option to dynamically add annotations to the pod. You might find it useful if you operate on different environments and need to custom your annotations. It can be done by editing the additionalPodAnnotations parameter.

NGINX-Prometheus-Exporter Parameters

Name Description Value
prometheusExporter.enabled Enable / Disable the Prometheus exporter false
prometheusExporter.image.repostiory Prometheus exporter Docker image name nginx/nginx-prometheus-exporter
prometheusExporter.image.tag Prometheus exporter Docker image tag true
prometheusExporter.image.pullPolicy Image pull policy 100m
prometheusExporter.resources.enabled Use custom resources 100m
prometheusExporter.resources.value.limits.cpu Pod CPU limit 100m
prometheusExporter.resources.value.limits.memory Pod memory limit 128Mi
prometheusExporter.resources.value.requests.cpu Pod CPU request 100m
prometheusExporter.resources.value.requests.memory Pod memory request 128Mi