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Torah Bible Codes - Open-Source Python

Known Bugs and Open Issues

Current Development Status

Active Development: In Progress


07 / JUNE / 2022


Please support our efforts if you can by donating BITCOIN (BTC) to the following address:

Equidistant Letter Sequences (ELS)

Witztum, Rips, and Rosenberg (WRR) define an Equidistant Letter Sequence (ELS) as a sequence of letters in the text whose positions - not counting spaces - form an arithmetic progression. That is to say the letters are found at the positions

n, n + d, n + 2d, ..., n + (k - 1)d

WRR define n as the start, d as the skip between letters in the search-term, and k as the length of the ELS. These three parameters uniquely identify the ELS which is denoted (n, d, k).

The Texts Used:

1.) Genesis

2.) Exodus

3.) Leviticus

4.) Numbers

5.) Deuteronomy

6.) Joshua

7.) Judges

8.) I Samuel

9.) II Samuel

10.) I Kings

11.) II Kings

12.) Isaiah

13.) Jeremiah

14.) Ezekiel

15.) Hosea

16.) Joel

17.) Amos

18.) Obadiah

19.) Jonah

20.) Micah

21.) Nahum

22.) Habakkuk

23.) Zephaniah

24.) Haggai

25.) Zechariah

26.) Malachi

27.) Psalms

28.) Proverbs

29.) Job

30.) Song of Songs

31.) Ruth

32.) Lamentations

33.) Ecclesiastes

34.) Esther

35.) Daniel

36.) Ezra

37.) Nehemiah

38.) I Chronicles

39.) II Chronicles

How to Run the App / Program

  1. Download and Install Python on your local computer.
  2. Go to folder where the TorahBibleCodes files are saved/cloned.
  3. Open Command Prompt / Command Line Interface (CLI) - WINDOWS: SHIFT RIGHT-CLICK --> OPEN COMMAND WINDOW HERE

Structure of App / Program

After running the Python file, several Python / Pandas Objects are returned to you to interact with and further develop per your needs;
We are currently developing the functionalities in the program to provide certain (many) specific data points, data objects, etc. so that scientifically repeatable (and therefore verifiable) results can be precisely measured, shared, tested, and either confirmed or disproved.
The current BETA DEVELOPMENT version of the program does the following:

  1. Allows the user to select any text(s) from the Torah (Instruction) / Nevi'im (Prophets) / K'tuvim (Writings) of the Tanach (Hebrew Bible).
  2. Allows the user to choose a custom size of the 2D Matrix (X Rows by Y Columns) for the user-selected text(s) to be outputted to a CSV EXCEL file (CAUTION: Numbers approaching 1000 for X Rows will exceed the maximum allowed by EXCEL, and therefore will truncate the text).
  3. Allows the user to choose the number of desired ELS Search-Terms.
  4. Allows the user to input those specified ELS Search-Terms (NOTE: These must be typed in Hebrew characters, else EXCEPTION IS THROWN).
  5. Outputs CSV EXCEL file of the 2D Matrix for the selected text(s).
  6. Outputs CSV EXCEL file of the Gematria Number values for each word AND letter in the selected text(s)
  7. Outputs CSV EXCEL file of the Gematria Number values for each word AND letter in the ELS Search-Terms
  8. IN DEVELOPMENT: Testing of several (best?) ways / algorithms for ELS Search within the text; Currently investigating REGEX, PANDAS, PURE PYTHON LINEAR SEARCH, etc.; Please see and examine the Python / Pandas Data Objects returned to see current capabilities in development.
  9. IN DEVELOPMENT: Outputs CSV EXCEL file of the Data Points for each letter of each of the ELS Search-Terms so that precise, exact positions, shared positions, letter-proximity, statistical probability, etc. of letters will be scientifically verifiable and reproduceable.

We invite you to share your open-source (alternative/multiple?) solutions of further development of this open-source program (e.g. add-ons, additional features, functionalities, GUIs, etc.), as well as scientific research using these software research tools with the community to allow confirmation of your discoveries and data, which will lead to further shared advancement and mutual benefit for us all

Program Concepts: Objects - D (DS), DL, D5, D5K, L (LLL), S (SSS), N (NW), W (DW), ListOfWords, NW4ELS, W4ELS (DW4ELS);

"D" Object: Dictionary of Verses Object

For any text chosen (e.g. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, or all five (5) together, or all twenty-one (21) books of the Prophets, or all thirteen (13) books of the Writings, or all thirty-nine (39) books of the entire Hebrew Bible), the text is parsed and a Python dictionary D (and DS) is created that allows one to access each verse by 3-digit Tuple Key (Book, Chapter, Verse). After choosing the text(s) to be searched, a Python dictionary D (and DS) is created to contain each verse - accessible by 3-digit Tuple Key.

Each verse (and letter) of the thirty-nine (39) books of the Hebrew Bible is accessible via the Python dictionary "D" (or "DS") with a unique 3-digit Tuple Key as per following examples:

D[1,1,1] = GENESIS 1:1
D[1,1,7] = GENESIS 1:7
D[1,50,26] = GENESIS 50:26
D[2,1,1] = EXODUS 1:1
D[2,40,38] = EXODUS 40:38
D[3,1,1] = LEVITICUS 1:1
D[3,27,34] = LEVITICUS 27:34
D[4,1,1] = NUMBERS 1:1
D[4,36,13] = NUMBERS 36:13
D[5,1,1] = DEUTERONOMY 1:1
D[5,34,12] = DEUTERONOMY 34:12

((1, 1, 1), 'בראשיתבראאלהיםאתהשמיםואתהארץ')
((1, 1, 2), 'והארץהיתהתהוובהווחשךעלפניתהוםורוחאלהיםמרחפתעלפניהמים')
((1, 1, 3), 'ויאמראלהיםיהיאורויהיאור')
((1, 1, 4), 'ויראאלהיםאתהאורכיטובויבדלאלהיםביןהאורוביןהחשך')
((1, 1, 5), 'ויקראאלהיםלאוריוםולחשךקראלילהויהיערבויהיבקריוםאחד')
((1, 1, 6), 'ויאמראלהיםיהירקיעבתוךהמיםויהימבדילביןמיםלמים')
((1, 1, 7), 'ויעשאלהיםאתהרקיעויבדלביןהמיםאשרמתחתלרקיעוביןהמיםאשרמעללרקיעויהיכן')
((1, 1, 8), 'ויקראאלהיםלרקיעשמיםויהיערבויהיבקריוםשני')
((1, 1, 9), 'ויאמראלהיםיקווהמיםמתחתהשמיםאלמקוםאחדותראההיבשהויהיכן')
((1, 1, 10), 'ויקראאלהיםליבשהארץולמקוההמיםקראימיםויראאלהיםכיטוב')
((1, 1, 11), 'ויאמראלהיםתדשאהארץדשאעשבמזריעזרעעץפריעשהפרילמינואשרזרעובועלהארץויהיכן')
((1, 1, 12), 'ותוצאהארץדשאעשבמזריעזרעלמינהוועץעשהפריאשרזרעובולמינהוויראאלהיםכיטוב')
((1, 1, 13), 'ויהיערבויהיבקריוםשלישי')
((1, 1, 14), 'ויאמראלהיםיהימארתברקיעהשמיםלהבדילביןהיוםוביןהלילהוהיולאתתולמועדיםולימיםושנים')
((1, 1, 15), 'והיולמאורתברקיעהשמיםלהאירעלהארץויהיכן')
((1, 1, 16), 'ויעשאלהיםאתשניהמארתהגדליםאתהמאורהגדללממשלתהיוםואתהמאורהקטןלממשלתהלילהואתהכוכבים')
((1, 1, 17), 'ויתןאתםאלהיםברקיעהשמיםלהאירעלהארץ')
((1, 1, 18), 'ולמשלביוםובלילהולהבדילביןהאורוביןהחשךויראאלהיםכיטוב')
((1, 1, 19), 'ויהיערבויהיבקריוםרביעי')
((1, 1, 20), 'ויאמראלהיםישרצוהמיםשרץנפשחיהועוףיעופףעלהארץעלפנירקיעהשמים')
((1, 1, 21), 'ויבראאלהיםאתהתנינםהגדליםואתכלנפשהחיההרמשתאשרשרצוהמיםלמינהםואתכלעוףכנףלמינהוויראאלהיםכיטוב')
((1, 1, 22), 'ויברךאתםאלהיםלאמרפרוורבוומלאואתהמיםבימיםוהעוףירבבארץ')
((1, 1, 23), 'ויהיערבויהיבקריוםחמישי')
((1, 1, 24), 'ויאמראלהיםתוצאהארץנפשחיהלמינהבהמהורמשוחיתוארץלמינהויהיכן')
((1, 1, 25), 'ויעשאלהיםאתחיתהארץלמינהואתהבהמהלמינהואתכלרמשהאדמהלמינהוויראאלהיםכיטוב')
((1, 1, 26), 'ויאמראלהיםנעשהאדםבצלמנוכדמותנווירדובדגתהיםובעוףהשמיםובבהמהובכלהארץובכלהרמשהרמשעלהארץ')
((1, 1, 27), 'ויבראאלהיםאתהאדםבצלמובצלםאלהיםבראאתוזכרונקבהבראאתם')
((1, 1, 28), 'ויברךאתםאלהיםויאמרלהםאלהיםפרוורבוומלאואתהארץוכבשהורדובדגתהיםובעוףהשמיםובכלחיההרמשתעלהארץ')
((1, 1, 29), 'ויאמראלהיםהנהנתתילכםאתכלעשבזרעזרעאשרעלפניכלהארץואתכלהעץאשרבופריעץזרעזרעלכםיהיהלאכלה')
((1, 1, 30), 'ולכלחיתהארץולכלעוףהשמיםולכלרומשעלהארץאשרבונפשחיהאתכלירקעשבלאכלהויהיכן')
((1, 1, 31), 'ויראאלהיםאתכלאשרעשהוהנהטובמאדויהיערבויהיבקריוםהששי')
((1, 2, 1), 'ויכלוהשמיםוהארץוכלצבאם')
((1, 2, 2), 'ויכלאלהיםביוםהשביעימלאכתואשרעשהוישבתביוםהשביעימכלמלאכתואשרעשה')
((1, 2, 3), 'ויברךאלהיםאתיוםהשביעיויקדשאתוכיבושבתמכלמלאכתואשרבראאלהיםלעשות')
((1, 2, 4), 'אלהתולדותהשמיםוהארץבהבראםביוםעשותיהוהאלהיםארץושמים')
((1, 2, 5), 'וכלשיחהשדהטרםיהיהבארץוכלעשבהשדהטרםיצמחכילאהמטיריהוהאלהיםעלהארץואדםאיןלעבדאתהאדמה')
((1, 2, 6), 'ואדיעלהמןהארץוהשקהאתכלפניהאדמה')
((1, 2, 7), 'וייצריהוהאלהיםאתהאדםעפרמןהאדמהויפחבאפיונשמתחייםויהיהאדםלנפשחיה')
((1, 2, 8), 'ויטעיהוהאלהיםגןבעדןמקדםוישםשםאתהאדםאשריצר')
((1, 2, 9), 'ויצמחיהוהאלהיםמןהאדמהכלעץנחמדלמראהוטובלמאכלועץהחייםבתוךהגןועץהדעתטובורע')
((1, 2, 10), 'ונהריצאמעדןלהשקותאתהגןומשםיפרדוהיהלארבעהראשים')
((1, 2, 11), 'שםהאחדפישוןהואהסבבאתכלארץהחוילהאשרשםהזהב')
((1, 2, 12), 'וזהבהארץההואטובשםהבדלחואבןהשהם')
((1, 2, 13), 'ושםהנהרהשניגיחוןהואהסובבאתכלארץכוש')
((1, 2, 14), 'ושםהנהרהשלישיחדקלהואההלךקדמתאשורוהנהרהרביעיהואפרת')
((1, 2, 15), 'ויקחיהוהאלהיםאתהאדםוינחהובגןעדןלעבדהולשמרה')
((1, 2, 16), 'ויצויהוהאלהיםעלהאדםלאמרמכלעץהגןאכלתאכל')
((1, 2, 17), 'ומעץהדעתטובורעלאתאכלממנוכיביוםאכלךממנומותתמות')
((1, 2, 18), 'ויאמריהוהאלהיםלאטובהיותהאדםלבדואעשהלועזרכנגדו')
((1, 2, 19), 'ויצריהוהאלהיםמןהאדמהכלחיתהשדהואתכלעוףהשמיםויבאאלהאדםלראותמהיקראלווכלאשריקראלוהאדםנפשחיההואשמו')
((1, 2, 20), 'ויקראהאדםשמותלכלהבהמהולעוףהשמיםולכלחיתהשדהולאדםלאמצאעזרכנגדו')
((1, 2, 21), 'ויפליהוהאלהיםתרדמהעלהאדםויישןויקחאחתמצלעתיוויסגרבשרתחתנה')
((1, 2, 22), 'ויבןיהוהאלהיםאתהצלעאשרלקחמןהאדםלאשהויבאהאלהאדם')
((1, 2, 23), 'ויאמרהאדםזאתהפעםעצםמעצמיובשרמבשרילזאתיקראאשהכימאישלקחהזאת')
((1, 2, 24), 'עלכןיעזבאישאתאביוואתאמוודבקבאשתווהיולבשראחד')
((1, 2, 25), 'ויהיושניהםערומיםהאדםואשתוולאיתבששו')
((1, 3, 1), 'והנחשהיהערוםמכלחיתהשדהאשרעשהיהוהאלהיםויאמראלהאשהאףכיאמראלהיםלאתאכלומכלעץהגן')
((1, 3, 2), 'ותאמרהאשהאלהנחשמפריעץהגןנאכל')
((1, 3, 3), 'ומפריהעץאשרבתוךהגןאמראלהיםלאתאכלוממנוולאתגעובופןתמתון')
((1, 3, 4), 'ויאמרהנחשאלהאשהלאמותתמתון')
((1, 3, 5), 'כיידעאלהיםכיביוםאכלכםממנוונפקחועיניכםוהייתםכאלהיםידעיטובורע')
((1, 3, 6), 'ותראהאשהכיטובהעץלמאכלוכיתאוההואלעיניםונחמדהעץלהשכילותקחמפריוותאכלותתןגםלאישהעמהויאכל')
((1, 3, 7), 'ותפקחנהעינישניהםוידעוכיעירמםהםויתפרועלהתאנהויעשולהםחגרת')
((1, 3, 8), 'וישמעואתקוליהוהאלהיםמתהלךבגןלרוחהיוםויתחבאהאדםואשתומפנייהוהאלהיםבתוךעץהגן')
((1, 3, 9), 'ויקראיהוהאלהיםאלהאדםויאמרלואיכה')
((1, 3, 10), 'ויאמראתקלךשמעתיבגןואיראכיעירםאנכיואחבא')
((1, 3, 11), 'ויאמרמיהגידלךכיעירםאתההמןהעץאשרצויתיךלבלתיאכלממנואכלת')
((1, 3, 12), 'ויאמרהאדםהאשהאשרנתתהעמדיהואנתנהלימןהעץואכל')
((1, 3, 13), 'ויאמריהוהאלהיםלאשהמהזאתעשיתותאמרהאשההנחשהשיאניואכל')
((1, 3, 14), 'ויאמריהוהאלהיםאלהנחשכיעשיתזאתארוראתהמכלהבהמהומכלחיתהשדהעלגחנךתלךועפרתאכלכלימיחייך')
((1, 3, 15), 'ואיבהאשיתבינךוביןהאשהוביןזרעךוביןזרעההואישופךראשואתהתשופנועקב')
((1, 3, 16), 'אלהאשהאמרהרבהארבהעצבונךוהרנךבעצבתלדיבניםואלאישךתשוקתךוהואימשלבך')
((1, 3, 17), 'ולאדםאמרכישמעתלקולאשתךותאכלמןהעץאשרצויתיךלאמרלאתאכלממנוארורההאדמהבעבורךבעצבוןתאכלנהכלימיחייך')
((1, 3, 18), 'וקוץודרדרתצמיחלךואכלתאתעשבהשדה')
((1, 3, 19), 'בזעתאפיךתאכללחםעדשובךאלהאדמהכיממנהלקחתכיעפראתהואלעפרתשוב')
((1, 3, 20), 'ויקראהאדםשםאשתוחוהכיהואהיתהאםכלחי')
((1, 3, 21), 'ויעשיהוהאלהיםלאדםולאשתוכתנותעורוילבשם')
((1, 3, 22), 'ויאמריהוהאלהיםהןהאדםהיהכאחדממנולדעתטובורעועתהפןישלחידוולקחגםמעץהחייםואכלוחילעלם')
((1, 3, 23), 'וישלחהויהוהאלהיםמגןעדןלעבדאתהאדמהאשרלקחמשם')
((1, 3, 24), 'ויגרשאתהאדםוישכןמקדםלגןעדןאתהכרביםואתלהטהחרבהמתהפכתלשמראתדרךעץהחיים')
((1, 4, 1), 'והאדםידעאתחוהאשתוותהרותלדאתקיןותאמרקניתיאישאתיהוה')
((1, 4, 2), 'ותסףללדתאתאחיואתהבלויהיהבלרעהצאןוקיןהיהעבדאדמה')
((1, 4, 3), 'ויהימקץימיםויבאקיןמפריהאדמהמנחהליהוה')
((1, 4, 4), 'והבלהביאגםהואמבכרותצאנוומחלבהןוישעיהוהאלהבלואלמנחתו')
((1, 4, 5), 'ואלקיןואלמנחתולאשעהויחרלקיןמאדויפלופניו')
((1, 4, 6), 'ויאמריהוהאלקיןלמהחרהלךולמהנפלופניך')
((1, 4, 7), 'הלואאםתיטיבשאתואםלאתיטיבלפתחחטאתרבץואליךתשוקתוואתהתמשלבו')

... etc. ... etc. ... etc. ...

Python Objects - D (DS), DL, D5, D5K, L (LLL), S (SSS), ListOfWords, N (NW), W (DW), ListOfSearchTerms, DictOfSearchTerms, NW4ELS, W4ELS (DW4ELS);

Run the file "" to see and interact with the "D" Object: Python Dictionary of Verses (with No Spaces) with a 3-digit Tuple Key

Run the file "" to see and interact with the "DS" Object: Python Dictionary of Verses (with Spaces) with a 3-digit Tuple Key

Run the file "" to see and interact with the "DL" Object: Python Dictionary of Letters with a 4-digit Tuple Key

Run the file "" to see and interact with the "D5" Object: Python Dictionary of Letters with a 5-digit Tuple Key

Run the file "" to see and interact with the "D5K" Object: Python Dictionary of 5-digit Tuple Key

Run the file "" to see and interact with the "L" Object: Python List of Letters of the Selected Text(s)

Run the file "" to see and interact with the "LLL" Object: Python List of Letters of the Selected Text(s) RECALCULATED FOR POSSIBLE BLANK SPACES IN LAST ROW OF 2D MATRIX

Run the file "" to see and interact with the "S" Object: Python String of Letters of the Selected Text(s)

Run the file "" to see and interact with the "SSS" Object: Python String of Letters of the Selected Text(s) RECALCULATED FOR POSSIBLE BLANK SPACES IN LAST ROW OF 2D MATRIX

Run the file "" to see and interact with the "ListOfWords" Object: Python List of Words of the Selected Text(s)

Run the file "" to see and interact with the "N" Object: Python List of Numbers for Letters of the Selected Text(s)

Run the file "" to see and interact with the "NW" Object: Python List of Numbers for Words of the Selected Text(s)

Run the file "" to see and interact with the "W" Object: Python List of Tuples of Words and Each Word's/Letter's Gematria Value

Run the file "" to see and interact with the "DW" Object: Python Dict of Words and Each Word's/Letter's Gematria Value

Run the file "" to see and interact with the "ListOfSearchTerms" Object: Python List of Words of the ELS Search-Terms

Run the file "" to see and interact with the "DictOfSearchTerms" Object: Python Dictionary of Words of the ELS Search-Terms

Each Verse can be further subdivided into a String (or List) Sequence of many Letter Objects (i.e. Strings of one (1) Letter only) which are classes which are accessible within the ELS Search sequence, and accessible by extension of previous tuple syntax: Book, Chapter, Verse, Letter

D Object - Dictionary of Verses (with No Spaces), accessible as data with a 3-digit Tuple Key

D[1,1,1] --> GENESIS 1:1 - 1st Book, 1st Chapter, 1st Verse
D[1,1,2] --> GENESIS 1:2 - 1st Book, 1st Chapter, 2nd Verse
D[1,1,3] --> GENESIS 1:3 - 1st Book, 1st Chapter, 3rd Verse

DS Object - Dictionary of Verses (with Spaces), accessible as data with a 3-digit Tuple Key

DS[1,1,1] --> GENESIS 1:1 - 1st Book, 1st Chapter, 1st Verse
DS[1,1,2] --> GENESIS 1:2 - 1st Book, 1st Chapter, 2nd Verse
DS[1,1,3] --> GENESIS 1:3 - 1st Book, 1st Chapter, 3rd Verse

D Object - Dictionary of Verses/Letters, accessible as data with a 3-digit Tuple Key + sub-element (0-indexed) in sequence of letters within each verse.

D[1,1,1][0] --> 1st element (letter) in string/verse sequence --> 'ב'
D[1,1,1][1] --> 2nd element (letter) in string/verse sequence --> 'ר'
D[1,1,1][2] --> 3rd element (letter) in string/verse sequence --> 'א'
D[1,1,1][-1] --> Last element in string/verse sequence...

DL Object - Dictionary of Letters (with 4-digit key) with 4th element of tuple being the (non-0-indexed; 1-indexed) position of letter in verse...

DL[1, 1, 1, 1] --> 'ב'
DL[1, 1, 1, 2] --> 'ר'
DL[1, 1, 1, 3] --> 'א'
DL[1, 1, 1, 4] --> 'ש'
DL[1, 1, 1, 5] --> 'י'
DL[1, 1, 1, 6] --> 'ת'

DL[5,34,12,43] --> 'י'
DL[5,34,12,44] --> 'ש'
DL[5,34,12,45] --> 'ר'
DL[5,34,12,46] --> 'א'
DL[5,34,12,47] --> 'ל'

D5 Object - Dictionary of Letters (with 5-digit key) with 5th element of tuple being the position of letter in total sequence of text...(i.e. either all five (5) texts of the Torah together (304850 letters), or one (1) text only, or all twenty-one (21) texts of the Prophets, or all thirteen (13) texts of the Writings, or all thirty-nine (39) texts of the entire Hebrew Bible together)...

D5[1, 1, 1, 1, 1] --> 'ב'
D5[1, 1, 1, 2, 2] --> 'ר'
D5[1, 1, 1, 3, 3] --> 'א'
D5[1, 1, 1, 4, 4] --> 'ש'
D5[1, 1, 1, 5, 5] --> 'י'
D5[1, 1, 1, 6, 6] --> 'ת'

D5[5, 34, 12, 43, 304846] --> 'י'
D5[5, 34, 12, 44, 304847] --> 'ש'
D5[5, 34, 12, 45, 304848] --> 'ר'
D5[5, 34, 12, 46, 304849] --> 'א'
D5[5, 34, 12, 47, 304850] --> 'ל'

L Object - List of Letters

L[0:6] --> ['ב', 'ר', 'א', 'ש', 'י', 'ת']
L[-5:] --> ['י', 'ש', 'ר', 'א', 'ל']

S Object - String of Letters

S[0:6] --> 'בראשית'
S[-5:] --> 'ישראל'

N Object - List of Numbers: Each letter's Kabbalah Numerical Gematria Value is obtainable by passing a string-sequence to a MODULE.FUNCTION() call (NOTE: Numbers returned in the N Object are left-to-right; In previous, older versions of Python, Hebrew letters returned in L Object were R-T-L right-to-left; However, in current our development version of Python 3.9, these same Hebrew letters returned are L-T-R left-to-right, so now the Hebrew letter order is exactly the same as all other orders in the Python Lists: L-T-R).

ListOfLetters = ['ב', 'ר', 'א', 'ש', 'י', 'ת']

N = mod_9GetNumberValue.fn_GetNumberValue(ListOfLetters) --> [2, 200, 1, 300, 10, 400]

א = 1

ב = 2

3 = ג

4 = ד

5 = ה

6 = ו

7 = ז

8 = ח

9 = ט

10 = י

20 = כ / ך

30 = ל

40 = מ / ם

50 = נ / ן

60 = ס

70 = ע

80 = פ / ף

90 = צ / ץ

100 = ק

200 = ר

300 = ש

400 = ת

Pandas Objects: sL0 (sL) / sLLL0 (sLLL)

## PD SERIES OF THE SELECTED TEXT(S); ## LETTER POSITIONS ARE DYNAMICALLY GENERATED DEPENDING UPON SPECIFIC TEXT(S) SELECTED; e.g. the 5th book selected may (or may not) be Deuteronomy as the 5th Book of Torah, or the 5th Book of the Prophets, or the 5th Book of the Writings.

sL0 = pd.Series(L) ## --> Converts ListOfLetters to Pandas Series (~ Dictionary-like Object)

sL = pd.Series(L, index=ListOfIndexesCustomL) ## --> Converts ListOfLetters to Pandas Series (~ Dictionary-like Object) with custom indexes for keys of the PD Series starting with 1-index/key

sLLL0 = pd.Series(LLL) ## --> Converts ListOfLetters to Pandas Series (~ Dictionary-like Object)

sLLL = pd.Series(LLL, index=ListOfIndexesCustomLLL) ## --> Converts ListOfLetters to Pandas Series (~ Dictionary-like Object) with custom indexes for keys of the PD Series starting with 1-index/key


n, (n + d), (n + 2d), (n + 3d)... (n + (k-1)d)

sL[6] ## == 'ת' == (n) ## WHEN TEXT SELECTED == 1 GENESIS
sL[6+50] ## == 'ו' == (n + d)
sL[6+50+50] ## == 'ר' == (n + 2d)
sL[6+50+50+50] ## = 'ה' == (n + 3d) ## k == 4 == LengthOfELSSearchTerm

sL[6] ## == 'ת' == (n) ## WHEN TEXT SELECTED == 1 GENESIS
sL[56] ## == 'ו' == (n + d)
sL[106] ## == 'ר' == (n + 2d)
sL[156] ## = 'ה' == (n + 3d)

Useful CLI Commands

sL.str.startswith("ב") --> Returns Boolean (True/False) for each match (True) and for each non-match (False)

sL.str.endswith("ב") --> Returns Boolean (True/False) for each match (True) and for each non-match (False)

sL.str.find("ב") --> Returns Boolean-like (0 / -1) for each match (0) and for each non-match (-1)

sL.str.rfind("ב") --> Returns Boolean-like (0 / -1) for each match (0) and for each non-match (-1)

The following values are all equivalent; Each equals every other value

  • len(sL) --> Total Number of Letters in the Pandas Series s --> Equal to len(S); len(L); len(DL); len(D5); len(N)
  • len(S) --> Total Number of Letters in the Python String S --> Equal to len(sL); len(L); len(DL); len(D5); len(N)
  • len(L) --> Total Number of Letters in the Python List L --> Equal to len(sL); len(S); len(DL); len(D5); len(N)
  • len(DL) --> Total Number of Letters in the Python Dictionary DL with 4-digit Tuple Key --> Equal to len(sL); len(S); len(L); len(D5); len(N)
  • len(D5) --> Total Number of Letters in the Python Dictionary D5 with 5-digit Tuple Key --> Equal to len(sL); len(S); len(L); len(DL); len(N)
  • len(N) --> Total Number of Numbers in the Python List N --> Equal to len(sL); len(S); len(L); len(DL); len(D5)


Total Number of Verses in Torah: 5846

Total Number of Letters in Torah: 304850

Total Number of Letter א Aleph in Torah: 27060
Total Number of Letter ב Bet in Torah: 16345
Total Number of Letter ג Gimel in Torah: 2109
Total Number of Letter ד Daled in Torah: 7032
Total Number of Letter ה Heh/Hey/Hay in Torah: 28055
Total Number of Letter ו Vav in Torah: 30533
Total Number of Letter ז Zayin in Torah: 2198
Total Number of Letter ח Ḥet in Torah: 7189
Total Number of Letter ט Tet in Torah: 1804
Total Number of Letter י Yud in Torah: 31556
Total Number of Letter כ Khaf in Torah: 8610
Total Number of Letter ך Khaf Sofit in Torah: 3358
Total Number of Letter ל Lamed in Torah: 21570
Total Number of Letter מ Mem in Torah: 14466
Total Number of Letter ם Mem Sofit in Torah: 10624
Total Number of Letter נ Nun in Torah: 9867
Total Number of Letter ן Nun Sofit in Torah: 4259
Total Number of Letter ס Samekh in Torah: 1833
Total Number of Letter ע 'Ain in Torah: 11250
Total Number of Letter פ Peh/Pey/Pay in Torah: 3975
Total Number of Letter ף Peh/Pey/Pay Sofit in Torah: 830
Total Number of Letter צ Tzadik in Torah: 2927
Total Number of Letter ץ Tzadik Sofit in Torah: 1035
Total Number of Letter ק Kuf in Torah: 4695
Total Number of Letter ר Resh in Torah: 18125
Total Number of Letter ש Shin in Torah: 15595
Total Number of Letter ת Taf in Torah: 17950

Total Number of Verses in Genesis: 1533

Total Number of Letters in Genesis: 78069

Total Number of Letter א in Book of Genesis: 7634
Total Number of Letter ב in Book of Genesis: 4332
Total Number of Letter ג in Book of Genesis: 577
Total Number of Letter ד in Book of Genesis: 1848
Total Number of Letter ה in Book of Genesis: 6283
Total Number of Letter ו in Book of Genesis: 8447
Total Number of Letter ז in Book of Genesis: 428
Total Number of Letter ח in Book of Genesis: 1844
Total Number of Letter ט in Book of Genesis: 308
Total Number of Letter י in Book of Genesis: 9041
Total Number of Letter כ in Book of Genesis: 1909
Total Number of Letter ך in Book of Genesis: 865
Total Number of Letter ל in Book of Genesis: 5275
Total Number of Letter מ in Book of Genesis: 3421
Total Number of Letter ם in Book of Genesis: 2689
Total Number of Letter נ in Book of Genesis: 2776
Total Number of Letter ן in Book of Genesis: 1009
Total Number of Letter ס in Book of Genesis: 446
Total Number of Letter ע in Book of Genesis: 2823
Total Number of Letter פ in Book of Genesis: 890
Total Number of Letter ף in Book of Genesis: 313
Total Number of Letter צ in Book of Genesis: 740
Total Number of Letter ץ in Book of Genesis: 351
Total Number of Letter ק in Book of Genesis: 1301
Total Number of Letter ר in Book of Genesis: 4793
Total Number of Letter ש in Book of Genesis: 3574
Total Number of Letter ת in Book of Genesis: 4152

Total Number of Verses in Hebrew Bible: 23206

Total Number of Letters in Hebrew Bible: 1197042

Total Number of Letter א in Hebrew Bible: 95685
Total Number of Letter ב in Hebrew Bible: 65216
Total Number of Letter ג in Hebrew Bible: 10080
Total Number of Letter ד in Hebrew Bible: 32371
Total Number of Letter ה in Hebrew Bible: 101962
Total Number of Letter ו in Hebrew Bible: 129606
Total Number of Letter ז in Hebrew Bible: 9099
Total Number of Letter ח in Hebrew Bible: 27598
Total Number of Letter ט in Hebrew Bible: 6310
Total Number of Letter י in Hebrew Bible: 137870
Total Number of Letter כ in Hebrew Bible: 33466
Total Number of Letter ך in Hebrew Bible: 14002
Total Number of Letter ל in Hebrew Bible: 88302
Total Number of Letter מ in Hebrew Bible: 57638
Total Number of Letter ם in Hebrew Bible: 41291
Total Number of Letter נ in Hebrew Bible: 39852
Total Number of Letter ן in Hebrew Bible: 15241
Total Number of Letter ס in Hebrew Bible: 7635
Total Number of Letter ע in Hebrew Bible: 44811
Total Number of Letter פ in Hebrew Bible: 15730
Total Number of Letter ף in Hebrew Bible: 2554
Total Number of Letter צ in Hebrew Bible: 11689
Total Number of Letter ץ in Hebrew Bible: 3288
Total Number of Letter ק in Hebrew Bible: 16278
Total Number of Letter ר in Hebrew Bible: 68064
Total Number of Letter ש in Hebrew Bible: 58198
Total Number of Letter ת in Hebrew Bible: 63206


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