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This package allows you to use a progressbar and a radial-progress element in AngularX (2+) projects.

Please don't hesitate to ask for new features or report a bug on Github! Thanks

You can see a Live example here

progressbar component example :

progressbar example

radial-progress component example :

radial-progress example

1. Features :

  • Progress bars
    • Multiple bars on the same container
    • Bootstrap's stripped skin
    • Steps visible with a vertical line
  • Radial progress (v3)
    • Negative values handled (v3.2)
    • Can have a squared form (v3.2)
    • ng-content with selector (v3.1)
  • Global
    • CSS transition on value change
    • CSS classes depending of the value (default, color[1-3])
    • Multiple way to display values (see ProgressType)
    • Text transition on value change (if change from 10 to 15, number will increase progressively)

2. Installation :

2.1 Install npm module :

npm install ngx-heyl-progressbar

2.2 Import the module :

Open your app.module.ts file and import the module like this :

import { ProgressbarModule } from "ngx-heyl-progressbar";
   imports: [ 

3. Small wiki

Know that ProgressbarComponent and RadialProgressComponent has the same super-class : AbstractProgressComponent. All inputs are declared inside this class.

3.1. Inputs available for AbstractProgressComponent:

Inputs Default value Description
value 0 Value of the progressbar
roundValue 0 The number of decimal printed when the value is displayed
max 100 Max value of the progressbar
progressType "none" Define the text displayed inside the progressbar
Config new ProgressbarConfig() Set multiple properties in one property
color1 101 Rate after which the class .color1 will be set to the progressbar
color2 101 Rate after which the class .color2 will be set to the progressbar
color3 101 Rate after which the class .color3 will be set to the progressbar

3.2. Values of type ProgressType:

Value Description
none Don't display any value
percent Display a the percent value (40%)
percent-progressive Display the percent value with text animation from current-percent-value to new-percent-value
value Display a the percent value (40 / 100)
value-progressive Display the value with text animation from current-value to new-value
ng-content Display the ng-content

4. progressbar component

4.1. Small wiki

Inputs available for progress-container:

Inputs Default value Description
step 100 How many ticks should be displayed when the progressbar has the class ".stepped". Step value will be *2 until it's > 3%
force-step step How many ticks should be displayed when the progressbar has the class ".stepped".

CSS classes for progress-container:

Class Description
.stepped Prints a tick every step

CSS classes for progressbar:

Class Description
.stripped Add an animated background on the .progress element
.no-animate Keep the background from .stripped or .stripped-reverse, without any move
.stripped-reverse Add an animated background on the .progress element moving on the other side

4.2. Then use <progressbar> component :

    <progressbar [value]="'20'" [max]="'40'" class="stripped"></progressbar>
<progress-container class="stepped" [step]="'10'">
    <progressbar [value]="'20'" class="stripped"></progressbar>
    <progressbar [value]="'50'" class="stripped-reverse"></progressbar>

4.3. Styling progressbar component

You can declare the style you want for the progressbar. Here is an example :

 progress-container {
    /* background element */
    background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);   
    > .progressbar {
       color: #fff;
       &.default {
          /* Progress bar when the progress class is default */
          background-color: green;

       &.color1 {
          /* Progress bar when the progress class is color1 */
          background-color: orange;

5. radial-progress component

5.1. Small wiki :

CSS classes for radial-progress

Class Description
.squared Remove the border-radius on the element

ng-content targets

ng-content Select Description
.pre-text Add an text before the value displayed
.text Text displayed if progressType == ng-content

5.2. Use <radial-progress> component :

 <radial-progress value="5" max="10" progressType="ng-content">
     <div class="text">50% | 5/10</div>
 <radial-progress [value]="'7'" color1="33" color2="66" max="14" progressType="value-progressive">
    <div class="pre-text">Score :</div>

5.3. Styling progressbar component

You can declare the style you want for the progressbar. Here is an example :

 radial-progress {
   &.default .fill {
      /* Progress when the progress class is default */
      background-color: green;

   &.color1 .fill {
      /* Progress when the progress class is color1 */
      background-color: orange;
