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What is this?

This is a template project which is intended for use as a base project, on which your RMRK 2 Node.js NFT project can be built.

It is a work in progress.

It comes bundled with a postgres database for storing NFTs, a HTTP and Websocket server for fetching/subscribing to events and storage data, and a simple "UglyGui" for exploring the database and API.

Getting Started

Have the latest node and npm installed.

Have docker and docker-compose installed.

apt install -y docker docker-compose

Start the Database: npm run start-db

Create the Database: npm run create-db

Run Substrate: substrate --dev --tmp (if using a dev node)

Start the app: npm run start

Configuring the App

Check out the file .env for several environment variables used in the app.

You are able to set substrate endpoints, delay interval times for block scanner, db settings, ports and more


This app contains both a HTTP (Express) Server as well as a Websocket ( server.

The http api can be found in src/api/routes/ and explored on the GUI

The socket api can be found in src/api/socket.ts and explored on the GUI


client/index.html contains a simple GUI for exploring the apis. You can subscribe to socket events and make http requests.

Runnable Scripts

Currently there are several runnable scripts:

npm run start 
npm run consolidated2db /path/to/consolidated
npm run unconsolidated2db /path/to/Unconsolidated

consolidated2db imports a RMRK2 dump into the db. (

unconsolidated2db imports a RMRK2 unconsolidated dump into the db, consolidates, and then stores the resulting data.


This is a work in progress! It is working with local substrate chains, but is not yet able to successfully consolidate unconsolidated dump files from kusama without incurring invalids.


A starter template to begin building a RMRK2 webapp







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