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a babel plugin for automating internationalization


  • 🚀   Automatic translation from one language to another language
  • 💼   Automated namespace management
  • 🤝   Compatible with your existing i18n implementation
  • 🛴   Say goodbye to manually scripting i18next-scanner
  • 🍻   Support Google and Youdao translation API



  • Project must use i18next as the internationalization framework


pnpm install babel-plugin-i18next -D


  1. fork this repository
  2. pnpm i
  3. pnpm build
  4. cd packages/demo
  5. pnpm serve
  6. localhost:8080

Quick Start

  1. in babel config file babel.config.js
module.exports = {
  presets: [...],
  plugins: [
        localePath: path.resolve(__dirname, "src", "locales"),
        languages: [
          { code: "en" },
          { code: "zh" },
        primaryLng: "en",
        defaultNS: "default",
        include: [`${path.resolve(__dirname, 'src')}/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx,vue}`],
        translateApi: { type: 'google', secretFile: path.resolve(__dirname, '.translaterc') },
        interpolation: {
          prefix: '{{',
          suffix: '}}',
  1. Add one extra function in your i18n module and export it
// i18n.ts
import i18next from 'i18next';

export default {
  s: (text: string, ns?: { [key: string]: any } | string, opts?: { [key: string]: any }) => text,
  1. In your source code, wrap the text which needs to be translated with i18n.s or i18next.s
// souce code
import i18n from 'i18n';
// import i18next from 'i18n'; // i18next is also ok

// after compile it will be 
// const title = i18n.t('myNs:title');
const title = i18n.s('title', 'myNs');
  1. if in development mode, will translate the text which not found in locale source, or untranslated. Meanwhile will transform i18n.s –> i18n.t
  2. If in production mode, will transform i18n.s –> i18n.t, if find untranslated text, will throw error and exit built.


  • localePath string | string[] - (required)The absolute path of the multilingual locale source folder, please make sure that there are source files names as lngCode.json in the path

  • Languages { code: string }[] - (required)language with its code

  • primaryLng string - (required)primary language

  • include string | string[] - (required)the source files should be scaned for i18n, should be glob

  • defaultNs string - (required) default namespace

  • translateApi { type: 'google' | 'youdao', secretFile: string } - When this option is not configured, the plugin will call the free Google Translate library @vitalets/google-translate-api for translation, However, in this case, the stability of translation cannot be guaranteed, and errors such as 403/429 may occur after calling multiple translations on the same gateway, indicating that it is restricted by Google. It is recommended that users apply for a Google Cloud account. The monthly free traffic of 500,000 characters can basically guarantee the use of a medium-to-large front-end application. After completing the application, create an API credential, that is, an API key. After configuration, stable translation can be performed. Meanwhile Youdao is also an option for it


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