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Unnamed Term Rewriting Language (Haskell, 2024)

Error Code Index


There are unbalanced parentheses or unbalanced block-comments (/* and */).

Example (missing right parenthesis)

(def A B
error[E001]: bad syntax
 1 | (def A B
   |         ^ unexpected end of input
   |           expecting '(' or ')'


There is a definition with a variable used in the constructor with a different number of ellipses (..) than it was matched with in the pattern.

Example (too few ellipses)

(def ($x ..) $x)
error[E002]: too few ellipses
 1 | (def ($x ..) $x)
   |       ^^ matched with 1 ellipsis in pattern
 1 | (def ($x ..) $x)
   |              ^^ used with 0 ellipses in constructor
help: variables must be used with the same number of ellipses they were matched with

Example (too many ellipses)

(def (flatten (list (list $x ..) ..))
  (list $x .. .. ..))
error[E002]: too many ellipses
 1 | (def (flatten (list (list $x ..) ..))
   |                           ^^ matched with 2 ellipses in pattern
 2 |   (list $x .. .. ..))
   |         ^^ used with 3 ellipses in constructor
help: variables must be used with the same number of ellipses they were matched with


There are two variables that are used with the same ellipsis, but not matched under the same ellipsis.


(def (capture ($x ..) ($y ..))
  (result ($x $y) ..))
error[E003]: variables matched under different ellipses used with same ellipsis
 1 | (def (capture ($x ..) ($y ..))
   |                   ^^ $x matched under this ellipsis
 1 | (def (capture ($x ..) ($y ..))
   |                           ^^ $y matched under this ellipsis
 2 |   (result ($x $y) ..))
   |                   ^^ both used with this ellipsis
help: variables matched under different ellipses can't be used with the same ellipsis

Example (multiple ellipses)

(def (capture (($x ..) ..) (($y ..) ..))
  (result ($x .. $y ..) ..))
error[E003]: variables matched under different ellipses used with same ellipsis
 1 | (def (capture (($x ..) ..) (($y ..) ..))
   |                        ^^ $x matched under this ellipsis
 1 | (def (capture (($x ..) ..) (($y ..) ..))
   |                                     ^^ $y matched under this ellipsis
 2 |   (result ($x .. $y ..) ..))
   |                         ^^ both used with this ellipsis
help: variables matched under different ellipses can't be used with the same ellipsis


An ellipsis (..) follows a symbol. Ellipses may only follow variables or lists which contain one or more variables.


(def (copy (list x ..))
  (list x ..))
error[E004]: ellipsis following symbol
 1 | (def (copy (list x ..))
   |                  ^ this symbol doesn't begin with a dollar-sign ('$'),
   |                    so it is not considered a variable
help: perhaps you meant '$x'?

error[E004]: ellipsis following symbol
 2 |   (list x ..))
   |         ^ this symbol doesn't begin with a dollar-sign ('$'),
   |           so it is not considered a variable
help: perhaps you meant '$x'?


There is more than one ellipsis in a list of some definition's pattern.


(def ($x .. $y .. $z ..) constructor)
error[E005]: too many ellipses in single term of pattern
 1 | (def ($x .. $y .. $z ..) constructor)
   |      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this term has more than one ellipsis
 1 | (def ($x .. $y .. $z ..) constructor)
   |                ^^ ellipsis #2
 1 | (def ($x .. $y .. $z ..) constructor)
   |                      ^^ ellipsis #3
help: each term in a definitions's pattern may have at most one ellipsis

It is okay to have multiple ellipses in a definition's pattern, but there cannot ever be more than one in each list in the pattern. The following is perfectly acceptable, as no single list contains more than one ellipsis:

(def (($x ..) ($y ..) $z ..) constructor)
//   (___________________..)     See how each
//    (___..)                 list contains only
//            (___..)         a single ellipsis?

This rule does not apply to constructors, which may have as many ellipses per list as desired. For example, here is a valid definition that uses three ellipses in a single list in its constructor:

  // All the ellipses here must be in different lists,
  // as this is the definition's pattern.
  (flatten3 (list (list (list $x ..) ..) ..))

  // All the ellipses here can be in the same list,
  // as this is the definition's constructor.
  (list $x .. .. ..))


The same variable occurs more than once in a definition's pattern.


(def (twice $x $x) constructor)
error[E006]: variable occurs more than once in pattern
 1 | (def (twice $x $x) constructor)
   |             ^^ use #1
 1 | (def (twice $x $x) constructor)
   |                ^^ use #2
help: a variable may occur at most once in a definition's pattern


Two definitions can match the same term. A given input term may be matched by at most one definition.

Example (exactly the same pattern)

(def A Y)
(def A Z)
error[E007]: overlapping patterns
 1 | (def A Y)
   |      ^ this pattern may match the same term as ...
 2 | (def A Z)
   |      ^ ... this other pattern
help: patterns possibly matching the same term are not allowed

Example (overlapping via variables)

(def ($n 0) _)
(def (0 $m) _)
error[E007]: overlapping patterns
 1 | (def ($n 0) _)
   |      ^^^^^^ this pattern may match the same term as ...
 2 | (def (0 $m) _)
   |      ^^^^^^ ... this other pattern
help: patterns possibly matching the same term are not allowed

Example (overlapping via variables and ellipses)

(def (a b $x ..) _)
(def (a b $x .. c) _)
error[E007]: overlapping patterns
 1 | (def (a b $x ..) _)
   |      ^^^^^^^^^^^ this pattern may match the same term as ...
 2 | (def (a b $x .. c) _)
   |      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ... this other pattern
help: patterns possibly matching the same term are not allowed


A term in either the pattern or constructor is followed by ellipses but contains no variables.


(def pattern
  ((no vars here) ..))
error[E008]: no variables in term preceding ellipsis
 2 |   ((no vars here) ..))
   |                   ^^ the ellipsis
 2 |   ((no vars here) ..))
   |    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the term preceding the ellipsis
help: there must be at least one variable in the term preceding an ellipsis


A symbol is present at the top-level of the definitions.


(def I_am_okay because_I_am_a_definition)
error[E009]: expected definition, found symbol
 2 | I_am_a_symbol_not_a_definition
   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this should be a definition
help: definitions look like this: '(def <pattern> <constructor>)'


A definition was found with too many or too few terms. Each definition must have exactly three terms: (def[1] <pattern>[2] <constructor>[3])

Example (too many terms)

(def a b c)
error[E010]: definition has too many terms
 1 | (def a b c)
   | ^^^^^^^^^^^ has 4 terms, but should have 3
help: definitions look like this: '(def <pattern> <constructor>)'

Example (too few terms)

(def (blah (blah) blah))
error[E010]: definition has too few terms
 1 | (def (blah (blah) blah))
   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ has 2 terms, but should have 3
help: definitions look like this: '(def <pattern> <constructor>)'


A definition did not start with def. All definitions must start with the symbol def.


error[E011]: definition does not start with 'def'
 1 | (DEF A B)
   |  ^^^ this term should be 'def'
help: definitions look like this: '(def <pattern> <constructor>)'


A variable was used in the constructor that was not matched in the pattern. This may be due to a missing dollar-sign ($) prefix somewhere in the pattern.


(def (copy x) $x)
error[E012]: variable not matched in pattern
 1 | (def (copy x) $x)
   |               ^^ the variable
 1 | (def (copy x) $x)
   |      ^^^^^^^^ the pattern
help: variables cannot be used without first being matched


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