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Node Native Keychain

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This is a TypeScript library to store and retrieve secure information from the macos keychain. It is a wrapper around the native keychain APIs on macOS built in Swift and bindings with Koffi.


npm install native-keychain


Note: For the moment, we only store Generic passwords in the keychain.

import * as keychain from 'native-keychain';

keychain.setPassword({ service: 'my-service', password: 'my-password' });

const secret = await keychain.getPassword({ service: 'my-service', requireBiometrics: true }); // 'my-password'

Available methods

Method Description Output
getPassword Retrieve a password from the keychain. Promise<string>
setPassword Store a password in the keychain. void
deletePassword Delete a password from the keychain. void
isBiometricsSupported Check if biometrics is supported. boolean
requestBiometricsVerification Request biometrics verification. Promise<boolean>


Corentin Mors