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The Mandlebrot set is a famous fractal which shows the beauty and chaos that emerge when complex numbers are repeatedly subjected to polynomial transformations. It is named after Benoit Mandlebrot, a Polish-born mathematician who poineered the field of 'fractal geometry' and the use of computers to generate fractal images. He discovered the Mandlebrot set in 1979.

They algorithm that generates this canonical fractal is: Z(i + 1) = (Z(i))^2 + k where k is the value of a point on the complex plane. Images of this fractal are generated by calculating repeated iterations of the above function, and testing to see if the value of Z(i) has escaped from a predetermined boundary. Typically the boundary is set to abs(Z(i)) < 4, since numbers greater than 4 will grow quickly when squared. Complex numbers less than 4, however do not all diverge under this function, since the 'imaginary' component may square to a negative 'real' value.

The image displayed is generated by applying this calculation to each point on the complex plane, and coloring the corresponding pixel based on how many iterations of the function it takes to escape the boundary. Points that remain bounded are in the set. Points that escape will be assigned a color depending on the number of iterations it takes to diverge.

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Architecture and Technologies


This project is implemented with the following technologies:

  • Vanilla Javascript
  • HTML5 Canvas for image rendering
  • HTML5 Color Input for choosing colors
  • Webpack to bundle, transpile, and serve up the various scripts.


Rendering the Mandlebrot set with canvas requires several layers of nested functions. At the top level, a simple scaling function is used to map the pixels of the canvas to points along the Complex plane. This process is handled in the drawMandlebrot Function which lives in the draw_mandlebrot.js file. In order to render the Mandlebrot set, these points must then be expanded by iteratively applying the Mandlebrot function (Z = Z^2 + C) and checking how many iterations are required to 'escape.' This process is handled in a function called expandMandlebrot which lives in the dedicated JavaScript file expand_mandlebrot.js.

Colors are stored in a custom-designed 'color object' called colorObj locally. This object has integer keys which correspond to iteration widths. For example if a key is 10, that means its value will be applied to 10 possible values of iterations-to-escape (called incsToEscape locally). The values for each key within this object are RGB colors represented as an array of three integers. The color object generation process automatically repeats the color pattern up to the maximum iterations value.

Although an attempt was made to apply Object-oriented design to this project with the creation of a Complex Number class, the resulting image appeared distorted. Therefore, this design approach is not used in the project's current form. All calculations are performed directly in JavaScript's default floating-point number type.


The 'show/hide grid' button reveals grey lines overlaying the fractal image showing the approximate range of real and imaginary numbers that are currently in view.

The 'max iterations' setting determines the maximum number of iterations of the Mandlebrot equation to which each pixel will be expanded. Warning: higher settings for this value will slow rendering down significantly. If rendering seems to lag, lower this value. Higher values will result in more fine detail at higher magnifications.

Use the buttons on the control panels below the image to zoom in out and pan around the Mandlebrot image or double-click on the image to zoom in on a particular point. Keyboard controls are also available. The 'z' key zooms in on the image, and the 'x' key zooms out. They arrow keys allow you to slide the image up, down, left, and right. The numbers located in the middle of the slide control panel (the one with the arrow buttons) tell the current center of the viewed image. Note that the edges of the Mandlebrot set are the most interesting to look at.

To modify the color scheme, click the 'add color' button in the 'color picker' panel to the right. Choose a color clicking on the color box and using the color picker. The 'iteration width' determines width of that colors 'band' in the resulting image. Be sure to select at least two colors or nothing will happen because a single color would not make a very intersting image. ! If only one or no colors are selected, a default color scheme will be rendered. Click the 'X' within a color block to remove it from the color scheme.

colorful image

Pan or zoom to generate a new image with your selected color scheme.

Color rotation is also possible. Simply press the 'rotate colors' button to start rotation. Zooming in slows the rate of rotation down. At lower levels of magnification, the color rotation may seem too fast. If you are sensitive to flashing images, be careful with this feature rotating image


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