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Fastify API Template. Written with TypeScript.

This project use Node.js and Fastify as a web framework.

You have two options if you want to run the API and database locally: run everything inside Docker or run just the database inside Docker. It's up to you whether you like doing it one way or the other. If the API doesn't appear to be starting correctly outside of a Docker then try running everything inside Docker - the issue might just be a local environment thing.



Node.js v16.*

Docker and Docker Compose


PostgreSQL v14.*

Redis v7.*


Clone this repository.

Install npm dependencies:

npm install
# install dependencies

npm run create:env
# only needed if there is no .env file 

Important Note:

Make sure that you've set all the environment variables in .env file.

Running API Outside Docker

You can run the API outside of Docker but the database still requires Docker.

First we'll start and setup the database.

$ npm run db:up
# Postgres database is started
$ npm run redis:up
# Redis is started

Next, we'll want to start the API service itself

$ npm start
# build the project and run it

At this point the API service is up and listening on port 8080.

You need to restart and build the project everytime there's a change by terminating the current running process Ctrl + C and then redo:

$ npm start
# build the project and run it

NOTE: Sometimes you will have to execute npx prisma db push to reflect the new changes in schema.prisma to the database


It's HIGHLY recommended to run the system as a Docker Compose.

First you need to pull the changes into server.

$ git pull

And then you can start everything with one single command.

$ npm run system:up

Backend API Development

​ There are a number of handy commands you can run to help with development. ​

Command Action
npm run create:env Create a new .env file
npm run lint run lintter
npm run lint:fix fix linter and style mistaks
npm run test:unit run unit tests using jest
npm run build compile Typescript project
npm run build:production compile the project and exclude tests file in final dist
npm start Run the server (before that it deletes old dist directory and recompile the project into javascript and then execute it)
npm run clean delete dist folder
npm run build compile typescript with options specified in tsconfig.json
npm run db:up Run the database server
npm run db:down Shutdown the database server
npm run db:delete Delete the database server. You will need to run db:up again.
npm run db:seed Seed the database with data located in database/seed.ts.
npm run redis:up Run Redis
npm run redis:down Shutdown Redis server
npm run redis:delete Delete Redis server. You will need to run redis:up again.
npm run lint Run eslint
npm run lint:fix Run eslint in fix mode
system:up Start everything using docker-compose
system:down Stop everything using docker-compose
system:nuke Stop and delete everything using docker-compose


See .env

Database Schema

This project is using Prisma as an ORM to connect and query from PostgreSQL database.

Database schema: schema.prisma

Seeder: seed.ts


API Docker file: dockerfile

Docker Compose file: docker-compose.yml

Project Structure

├── .github # contains github actions workflows
├── logs # contains application logs
├── database # contains the main files for the backend
│   ├── schema.prisma # Prisma models
│   ├── seed # prisma logic for seeding db
│   │   ├── data # contains seed data
│   │   └── index.ts
├── src # contains the main files for the backend
│   ├── config # stores configurations (server, logger, env vars... etc.)
│   ├── plugins # Custom plugins (auth, security, roles, db... etc.)
│   ├── routes # contains routes and structured as a directories.
│   │   ├── users # exports subroutes under '/users/'
│   │   │   ├── login # example route, mapped to '/users/login'
│   │   │   │   ├── index.js # exports login route 
│   │   │   │   ├── schema.js # JSON schema spec of the login route
│   │   │   └── # rest of routes
│   │   └── # exports accounts routes (and others)
│   └── app.ts # register necessary plugins for the system
└── dist # contains compiled typescript code.


Fastify API Template. Written with TypeScript.







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