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Twitter 🦆 clone using Spring Cloud Stream, ElasticSearch, and RabbitMQ


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Twitter 🦆 clone using Spring Cloud Stream, ElasticSearch, and RabbitMQ.

I wanted to enhance my understanding of semi-structured data search and messaging, and thought that Twitter was a good example project. Twitter exposes a simple user experience with hardcore technical details underneath, which I was inspired to give a shot at a very small scale.

I wanted to work with "real data", so I collected word lists of verbs, nouns, animals, cities, to generate continuous, somewhat literate nonsense.

It also gave me the chance to work with a little bit of frontend technologies, to consume twaddle streams, update UI as streams are consumed, use regex to make click-able hashtags (again inspired by Twitter), and so on.

Primary Challenges Solved

  • Implement an event driven, binder agnostic infrastructure using or ready for shared messaging services (Spring Cloud Stream)
  • Implement a search engine for hashtags (ElasticSearch)
  • Implement a deployment pipeline using Docker Compose (Maven, Fabric8)

Secondary Challenges Solved

  • Expose "twaddles" as an unidirectional stream of data (SSE)
  • Consume stream of twaddles from JS client to update UI in real time (JS EventSource)
  • Use a template engine I've not used before (Mustache)
  • Generate a continuous stream of nonsense for all users

Other Learnings

  • Using Kibana to visualize data from ElasticSearch indices
  • Spring Boot will override application properties with environment variables, converting from dot-case to snake-case
    • E.g.: elasticsearch.address becomes ELASTICSEARCH_ADDRESS
    • This makes it really easy to deploy Spring Boot apps to a Docker environment
  • Spring Cloud Stream bypasses message binder if publisher and subscriber resides in the same application context
  • Using Spring WebFlux, it is much more natural to implement SSE, however Spring also has an SseEmitter for the same purpose


Fabric8 has been added to this project; making building the artifact and Docker image trivial:

mvn package fabric8:build

Will produce a Docker image called: twaddle/twaddle-app


Docker Compose files are available to deploy infrastructure only, or the entire system. Uses environment variables to pass appropriate parameters to Spring Boot Autoconfiguration.

docker-compose -f Docker/docker-compose.yml up -d



Twaddles by user (Green indicates real time update occurred)

Twaddles by hashtag


Twitter 🦆 clone using Spring Cloud Stream, ElasticSearch, and RabbitMQ








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