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Trysts - Application

The repository for Trysts web application. Writing in Typescript with ReactJs 18

Important Dependencies 🌈

react-router-dom styled-components zustand 100ms live three

Convention 📚

  1. Component name must be Capitalize
  2. Prevent export component as default
  3. For simple component, type/interface should be define inside component file
  4. For complex type/interface, define in specific file inside models folder (create if needed)
  5. If any type is recognize by intellisense or basic type, no need to define them again
  6. For constant variable, define it in constants.ts inside libs folder
  7. Props drill maximum 3 levels
  8. Use semantic tag as much as posible

Create a new component ⚙️

To create new component, follow these several steps:

  1. Create new component folder
  2. Create index.ts file (this file will export all of the additional components that use to build our component)
  3. Create <component_name>.tsx file (this file will contain our component code)


// Folder structure
├── src
│   ├── components
│   │   ├──  ColorPicker
│   │   │   ├──  index.ts
│   │   │   ├──  ColorPicker.tsx
│   │   │   └──  ColorItem.tsx
// ColorItem.tsx
type ColorItemProps = {
  colorName: 'red' | 'green'
  onColorChange: () => void

export const ColorItem: React.FC<ColorItemProps> = ({ colorName, onColorChange }) => {
  return <div color={colorName} onClick={onColorChange} />
// ColorPicker.tsx
import { ColorItem } from './ColorItem'

export const ColorPicker = () => {
  return (
      <ColorItem colorName="red" onColorChange={() => {}} />
// index.ts
export * from './ColorItem'
export * from './ColorPicker'

Import component 💾

import { ColorPicker } from '@/components/ColorPicker'

Commit message 🗣

  1. Use the imperative, present tense: "change" not "changed" nor "changes"
  2. Don't capitalize the first letter
  3. No dot (.) at the end
  4. (optinal) Icon added for funny purpose (maximum 1 icon)
git commit -m "<prefix>: <message>"


  1. init: Project initiation and configs
  2. feat: A new feature
  3. fix: A bug fix
  4. refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
  5. perf: A code change that improves performance
  6. chore: Very tiny fix, ex: typo, color


git commit -m "fix: add pivotal emojis to readme 🌈"