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docs(popconfirm): remove nzOkType danger (#7778)
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nzOkType remove Danger
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scarqin committed Dec 19, 2022
1 parent 2819117 commit 29cdf02
Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion components/popconfirm/doc/
Expand Up @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ import { NzPopconfirmModule } from 'ng-zorro-antd/popconfirm';
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `[nzCancelText]` | 取消按钮文字 | `string` | `'取消'` | - |
| `[nzOkText]` | 确认按钮文字 | `string` | `'确定'` | - |
| `[nzOkType]` | 确认按钮类型 | `'primary' \| 'ghost' \| 'dashed' \| 'danger' \| 'default'` | `'primary'` | - |
| `[nzOkType]` | 确认按钮类型 | `'primary' \| 'ghost' \| 'dashed' \| 'default'` | `'primary'` | - |
| `[nzOkDanger]` | 确认按钮是否为危险按钮。<i>与 `nz-button``nzDanger` 值保持一致</i> | `boolean` | `false` | - |
| `[nzCondition]` | 是否直接触发 `nzOnConfirm` 而不弹出框 | `boolean` | `false` | - |
| `[nzIcon]` | 自定义弹出框的 icon | `string \| TemplateRef<void>` | - | - |
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