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Releases: Narshe1412/Code-Institute-Data-Centric-Project

Project completed

01 Sep 13:44
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This is the final product delivered to the Code Institute for assessment.

Task manager implemented

29 Mar 07:10
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Sprint 2 work finished (#24)

* updates to test suite to handle Material Table

* Added table elements to display total time spent on a task. Fixed coupling in tests for TimerService

* created time transform pipe

* added pipe to test fixtures

* refactoring duplicate variables

* Sonar config (#21)

* added sonar project config to travis

* updated travis for sonarcloud

* updated filename

* updated project properties and build script

* updated cibuild parameters

* file updates

* Updated packages, new icons. Added Task SBM to doc

* added new html structure, icons to the tasks

* fixed failing tests due to inclusion of FA icons

* refactored unite tests per suggestions from stackoverflow

* Added ActiveTask to task service and unit tests

* added active task controls (#23)

* Fixed issues arised during Sonarcloud scan

Timer implemented

10 Mar 21:45
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Timer implemented Pre-release
Merge pull request #17 from Narshe1412/timer

Closes #13 added option to switch between pomodoro or standard timer