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This is some experimental code to try and see whether x86 64bit long mode paging structures can be detected in raw memory. The primary use-case would be analyzing memory snapshots for which the running kernel version is not known. The core parts of the code are geared towards x86 but should be quite easy to adapt for similar architectures. So far the entire approach was only evaluated for linux kernels, some heuristics are also linux specific, but should hold across different version of linux.

Data structures / File formats

This code uses two kinds of data structures to represent the "paging structure data" in a snapshot.

Snapshot Objects / JSON Files

MemMappedSnapshot gives you OOP-style access to any 4kb page in a snapshot under the assumption that it is a paging structure:

from paging_detection.mmaped import SnapshotPagingData, MemMappedSnapshot
snapshot = MemMappedSnapshot(SnapshotPagingData(path=some_path, designations={}))
entry = snapshot.pages[4096].entries[16]
if entry.present:
    target_page = snapshot.pages[]
    print("Entry is not present!")

You can store your assumptions about the "types" of a page as "designations":

from paging_detection import PageTypes

To store designations, a dataclass (paging_detection.mmaped.SnapshotPagingData) is used. It also stores the path of the (raw) snapshot file and is easily saved as JSON...

with open("snapshot-pages.json", "w") as f:

... so you can pick up right where you left off...

import json
with open("snapshot-pages.json") as f:
    snapshot = MemMappedSnapshot(SnapshotPagingData.validate(json.load(f)))

Graphs / Graphml Files

The other datastructure used to represent paging data are graphs, specifically networkx.MultiDiGraph. The advantages of this representation are:

  • Graph operations provided by networkx
  • The data is reduced to the parts chosen when constructing the graph from the snapshot.

These graphs are stored as .graphml files, in these files:

  • A vertex represents a 4kb-page in memory
    • Its ID is the physical address of the corresponding page (as a string, because graphml does not allow int-IDs)
    • It may or may not be an actual paging structure
    • Depending on the purpose of the file, not all pages in memory get a node
  • Vertices have properties (all optional):
    • PML4, PDP, PD, PT: bool Whether the page is considered to be a PML4, PDP, ...
    • invalid_PML4, invalid_PDP, ... : int How many entries would be considered "invalid" under the respective designation
      • "invalid" means they would cause an exception to be raised by an MMU if a translation attempt is made
    • oob_PML4, oob_PDP, ...: int How many entries would be considered "out of bounds" unt the respective designation
      • "oob" (out of bounds) means the entry would point to a paging structure outside the bounds of physical memory
  • An edge represents an entry pointing from one page to another
    • Meaning that IF the source vertex is indeed a paging structure, it has a present entry pointing to the target vertex
  • Edges have properties (all optional):
    • offset: The offset of the corresponding entry has within the paging structure (source node)

Data flow:

At the moment the code here makes one long "pipeline" for processing a snapshot. All scripts here can be invoked with --help for more usage info.


Get PML4 (PGD) addresses from your snapshot (Get the ground truth)

Use the pslist_with_pgds.PsListWithPGDs Volatility3 plugin. (Volatility3 needs to have access to matching symbols for the kernel in the snapshot)

cd path/to/nosyms
vol -p volatility_plugins/ -f data/dump -r csv pslist_with_pgds.PsListWithPGDs > data/dump_pgds.csv

Note: You need a profile matching the linux kernel running in the snapshot.

Extract known paging structures (Get the ground truth)

Pass --kpti or --no-kpti according to whether the snapshot comes from a kernel with page table isolation.

cd path/to/nosyms/paging_detection
python3 --kpti ../data/dump ../data/dump_pgds.csv



Extract graph considering all pages "potential paging structures".

cd path/to/nosyms/paging_detection
python3 ../data/dump



Determine possible types for all pages (Prediction)

Point the script to the "all_pages" .json or .graphml, it will figure out the path of the other one automatically.

cd path/to/nosyms/paging_detection
python3 ../data/dump_all_pages.json



(Optionally) apply additional filters (linux specific)

Point the script to the "all_pages_with_types" .json or .graphml, it will figure out the path of the other one automatically.

cd path/to/nosyms/paging_detection
python3 ../data/dump_all_pages_with_types.json



Compare results

Point it to the "prediction" and "ground truth" .json. It prints a table with accuracy stats.

cd path/to/nosyms/paging_detection
python3 ../data/dump_all_pages_with_types.json ../data/dump_known_pages.json


Detecting x86 paging structures in raw memory.








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