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ZooKeeper Reaper - log view and restore utility


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zkr - ZooKeeper Reaper

Utility to backup/restore ZooKeeper znodes or view and restore ZooKeeper transactions from transaction log/Exhibitor backup files.


This project provides a command-line utility that can be used to backup and restore ZooKeeper znodes into JSON, optionally compressed, and write to a file or S3.

The logs command can replay transactions from Exhibitor transaction log and backup archive (gzip'd) logs. The logs command ignores ephemeral znodes.



ZooKeeper Reaper v0.5 - ZooKeeper backup/restore utility
Usage: zkr [-hV] [COMMAND]
  -h, --help      Show this help message and exit.
  -V, --version   Print version information and exit.
  help     Displays help information about the specified command
  backup   Backup ZooKeeper znodes
  logs     View/write ZooKeeper/Exhibitor transaction logs and backups
  restore  Restore ZooKeeper znodes from backup

Backup command

Usage: zkr backup [-cdflv] [--pretty] [-m=<maxRetries>] [-p=<path>] [-r=<repeatMin>] [-s=<sessionTimeoutMs>]
                  [--s3-bucket=<s3bucket>] [--s3-region=<s3region>] [--superdigest-password=<superDigestPassword>]
                  [-z=<host>] [-e=<excludes>[,<excludes>...]]... [-i=<includes>[,<includes>...]]... <file> [COMMAND]
Backup ZooKeeper znodes
      <file>               Transaction log or backup file
  -c, --compress           Compress output (default: false)
  -d, --dry-run            Do not actually perform the actions (default: false)
  -e, --exclude=<excludes>[,<excludes>...]
                           Comma-delimited list of paths to exclude (regex)
  -f, --ephemeral          Backup ephemeral znodes (default: false)
  -i, --include=<includes>[,<includes>...]
                           Comma-delimited list of paths to include (regex)
  -l, --not-leader         Perform backup/restore even if ZooKeeper is not ensemble leader or standalone (i.e.,
                             follower) (default: false)
  -m, --max-retries=<maxRetries>
                           Maximum number of retries to read consistent data (default: 5)
  -p, --path=<path>        ZooKeeper root path for backup/restore (default: /)
      --pretty             Pretty print JSON output (default: false)
  -r, --repeat-every=<repeatMin>
                           Perform periodic backup every <repeatMin> minutes
  -s, --session-timeout-ms=<sessionTimeoutMs>
                           ZooKeeper session timeout in milliseconds (default: 30000)
                           S3 bucket containing Exhibitor transaction logs/backups or zkr backup files
                           AWS Region (default: us-west-2)
                           ZooKeeper superdigest password. ZKR_SUPERDIGEST_PASSWORD environment variable if found.
  -v, --verbose            Verbose (DEBUG) logging level (default: false)
  -z, --zookeeper=<host>   Target ZooKeeper host:port (default: localhost:2181)
  help  Displays help information about the specified command

By default, backup will only execute if --zookeeper is the leader of an ensemble or standalone. To backup a follower specify --not-leader.

Restore command

Usage: zkr restore [-cdlov] [--info] [-p=<path>] [-s=<sessionTimeoutMs>] [--s3-bucket=<s3bucket>]
                   [--s3-region=<s3region>] [--superdigest-password=<superDigestPassword>] [-z=<host>] [-e=<excludes>[,
                   <excludes>...]]... [-i=<includes>[,<includes>...]]... <file> [COMMAND]
Restore ZooKeeper znodes from backup
      <file>                 Transaction log or backup file
  -c, --compress             Compressed input (default: false)
  -d, --dry-run              Do not actually perform the actions (default: false)
  -e, --exclude=<excludes>[,<excludes>...]
                             Comma-delimited list of paths to exclude (regex)
  -i, --include=<includes>[,<includes>...]
                             Comma-delimited list of paths to include (regex)
      --info                 Print information about transaction log or backup then exit  (default: false)
  -l, --not-leader           Perform backup/restore even if ZooKeeper is not ensemble leader or standalone (i.e.,
                               follower) (default: false)
  -o, --overwrite-existing   Overwrite existing znodes (default: false)
  -p, --path=<path>          ZooKeeper root path for backup/restore (default: /)
  -s, --session-timeout-ms=<sessionTimeoutMs>
                             ZooKeeper session timeout in milliseconds (default: 30000)
      --s3-bucket=<s3bucket> S3 bucket containing Exhibitor transaction logs/backups or zkr backup files
      --s3-region=<s3region> AWS Region (default: us-west-2)
                             ZooKeeper superdigest password. ZKR_SUPERDIGEST_PASSWORD environment variable if found.
  -v, --verbose              Verbose (DEBUG) logging level (default: false)
  -z, --zookeeper=<host>     Target ZooKeeper host:port (default: localhost:2181)
  help  Displays help information about the specified command

By default, restore will only execute if --zookeeper is the leader of an ensemble or 'standalone'. To restore to a follower specify --not-leader. Use --dry-run to see what would be restored without actually writing the znodes.

Logs command

Usage: zkr logs [-lorv] [--info] [-p=<path>] [-s=<sessionTimeoutMs>] [--s3-bucket=<s3bucket>] [--s3-region=<s3region>]
                [--superdigest-password=<superDigestPassword>] [-z=<host>] [-e=<excludes>[,<excludes>...]]...
                [-i=<includes>[,<includes>...]]... <file> [COMMAND]
View/write ZooKeeper/Exhibitor transaction logs and backups
      <file>                 Transaction log or backup file
  -e, --exclude=<excludes>[,<excludes>...]
                             Comma-delimited list of paths to exclude (regex)
  -i, --include=<includes>[,<includes>...]
                             Comma-delimited list of paths to include (regex)
      --info                 Print information about transaction log or backup then exit  (default: false)
  -l, --not-leader           Perform backup/restore even if ZooKeeper is not ensemble leader or standalone (i.e.,
                               follower) (default: false)
  -o, --overwrite-existing   Overwrite existing znodes (default: false)
  -p, --path=<path>          ZooKeeper root path for backup/restore (default: /)
  -r, --restore              Execute (restore) transactions (default: false)
  -s, --session-timeout-ms=<sessionTimeoutMs>
                             ZooKeeper session timeout in milliseconds (default: 30000)
      --s3-bucket=<s3bucket> S3 bucket containing Exhibitor transaction logs/backups or zkr backup files
      --s3-region=<s3region> AWS Region (default: us-west-2)
                             ZooKeeper superdigest password. ZKR_SUPERDIGEST_PASSWORD environment variable if found.
  -v, --verbose              Verbose (DEBUG) logging level (default: false)
  -z, --zookeeper=<host>     Target ZooKeeper host:port (default: localhost:2181)
  help  Displays help information about the specified command

By default, the logs command will only display the log transactions. Use --restore to actually write or overwrite znodes.


This project was developed with gradle 6.7.1, java 11 and kotlin 1.4.20

./gradlew clean assemble

This will create a shaded jar named build/libs/zkr-all.jar


To see the available options, run:

java -jar build/libs/zkr-all.jar --help

The only required options is -z/--zookeeper which is a standard ZooKeeper connection string (e.g., localhost:2181)

Backup/restore Kafka


This tool can backup topics and acls in a Kafka cluster from either the Exhibitor transaction log/backup files. It is very important to NOT backup broker ephemeral nodes:

  • /kafka/controller
  • /kafka/brokers/ids/

This is done by default as --ephemeral's default value false


Restoring can be done using Exhibitor/ZooKeeper transaction logs or backup files or a zkr backup file but must be done in a specific order:

  • start Exhibitor/ZooKeeper (ONLY) with backups disabled (so you don't accidentally overwrite your backup files)
  • Run zkr with --overwrite-existing option
  • start brokers, et al

Quick demo

Run a quick demo to recover Kafka metadata stored in ZooKeeper

Create a Kafka cluster and topic

  • Run docker-compose up
  • Create a topic by running: echo "hello" | kafkacat -b localhost:9092 -P -t hello

Take a backup, then tear it all down

  • Take a backup: ./ backup --zookeeper localhost:2181 -l backup-file
  • Tear it all down: docker-compose down

Restart cluster using the backup

  • Run docker-compose up --no-start
  • Run docker-compose start zookeeper
  • Restore ZooKeeper by running: ./ restore --zookeeper localhost:2181 -l backup.json
  • Start Kafka cluster: docker-compose start kafka-broker

Check the restore by listing Kafka topics: kafkacat -b localhost:9092 -L

ZooKeeper security

via jaas.conf

Create a jaas.conf file with appropriate values. For example:

Server {
  org.apache.zookeeper.server.auth.DigestLoginModule required
Client {
  org.apache.zookeeper.server.auth.DigestLoginModule required

Invoke zkr thusly:

java -cp build/libs/zkr-all.jar zkr.Zkr <command> <options>

Or use the zkr script in the root directory.

superdigest support

It may be necessary to add superdigest authorization to access restricted znodes (e.g., /kafka/config/users)

This is supported by specifying the superdigest password in an environment variable ZKR_SUPERDIGEST_PASSWORD or using the --superdigest-password parameter.


This utility borrowed heavily from:

  • ZooKeeper transaction and Exhibitor backup view/restore is based on ZooKeeper LogFormatter
  • Backup/Restore is based on zoocreeper