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🔧 Just a repository to store my DotFiles / Configs and Scripts


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Just a repository to store my DotFiles / Configs and Scripts.
Mostly files that start with a '.' 😸
Feel free to copy, modify and/or fork it!
(I made this repo not only for storing my files, but with the aim of providing useful configs and functions!)


The nginx.conf scores an A+ on the SSLLabs analysis!    > Test Me! <
The .crontab file [$ crontab -e] contains an autorenew for all SSL Certificates from LetsEncrypt
The (custom) .gitignore is aiming for NodeJS
The .gitattributes was made for C#
The .npmignore skips .raw files (I use them for debugging) and files starting with "test" in src
The .crontab file also automatically starts the kik bot on server reboot now
The is a CheatSheet for terminal colors. Preview below
The ./profile.d folder is located at /etc/profile.d and the scripts are used to apply parameters to the shell of all users.
The debug-switch.php code snippet allows to turn on/off PHP error messages.
The package.json file is my standard configuration for node projects.
The file LOLCODE.tmLanguage in the submlime folder is syntax highliting for LOLCODE in Sublime Text 3
The file (/etc) changes the Pre-Login SSH message. Uncomment #Banner in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
The files located in update-motd.d modify the Post-Login SSH Message on Ubuntu (16.04 LTS)
The file starts all node scripts in given directories (see screenshot)[MOVED]
The file will install my alias file in /etc/profile.d (See explanation below)
The .github folder contains an issues template. To see what it does, try to open an Issue on this repo.
The rc.local file (/etc/rc.local) launches on reboot
The streak file is used for my GitHub commit streak which is automated by my open source github commit streak bot
The HTML-Boilerplate.js file is a NodeJS script which creates folder structures and adds basic content.

Also: The file features two arguments:

Argument Explanation
-s or --stop   Stops all scripts            
-r or --restart Stops and restarts all scripts


Can be run either by simply typing node HTML-Boilerplate.js.
You will be promted for the project name.
Alternatively you can run it by typing node HTML-Boilerplate.js YOUR-PROJECT-NAME to pass the name to the script without getting prompted for input.
Has zero dependencies.

Explanation of my Alias file at /etc/profile.d/

NOTE: If you want to update the alias file without restarting/relogin simply run:
$ source /etc/profile.d/

NOTE: If you want to automatically enable all alias on startup, add the line

source /etc/profile.d/

To your rc.local file at /etc/rc.local (befor the line exit 0) like I did on Line 4 of my rc.local file.

Alias Explanation Usage Examples
ll Used to list all files in long list format and classify
ext         Extract many types of archive files with the same command (autodetect) ext file ext test.tar.gz
cd... (and others) - Just move more directories up
timer Starts a timer (can be stopped with CTRL + C) and displays time
week Displays the ISO Week number
gip Get IP: displays the public IP of the machine
clearhistory clears the bash/terminal history and exits
lnn         Line Number: prints out a specific line of a file lnn line file                              lnn 4 test.txt
cls Clear Screen: Clears the screen (terminal) without spamming whitespaces and it maximizes it as well
chp         CheckPort: Checks if a port is open or not chp host port chp 80
epoch       Converts unix epoch time to human readble time and reverse epoch epoch 137514859, epoch 22 june 2011, epoch

How to clone:

$ git clone git:// ~/.dotfiles
$ cd ~/.dotfiles && ls -a

Also: The scrips need to be made executable.

Example for

$ chmod +x ./ preview       

       SSL-Labs Test       



🔧 Just a repository to store my DotFiles / Configs and Scripts








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