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Dynamic Structured Data (DSD)

Dynamic Structured Data (DSD) is an meta-transfer syntax intended to facilitate the transfer of information between loosely coupled systems. DSD defines three concrete transfer syntaxes (Text, Binary and XML), an Abstract Type System and three concrete type systems. The DSD Abstract Type System defines type semantics for five atomic types and two collection types.

DSD is intended to decouple type semantics from transfer syntax. It is, by itself type-system neutral (DSD does not define how many bits encode an integer or how floating point values are laid out in memory.) However, DSD can carry an annotation that the creator of a message assumes type details useful for 8-bit sensors, 32-bit micro-controllers and 64-bit server systems.

This package provides a Lexxer and example parser for the Text and Binary transfer syntaxes. (Users of the XML transfer syntax can simply use their favourite XML parser.)

DSD is defined independently of this package, but a copy of it's official definition is included in the file dsd-info.txt. For a more literate introduction to the problem(s) DSD was trying to solve, see Goldilocks and the 11 Parsers. DSD is based on the Virtual Worlds Region Agent Protocol Abstract (VWRAP) Type System defined in For the truly masochistic, details of the VWRAP effort are available at

DSD In 120 Seconds

DSD defines a syntax for protocol messages between systems. In this sense it's sort of like JSON or XML (though there is a Binary transfer syntax that's a little more efficient to parse.) Here's an example of a typical DSD message:

# Login Authentication w/ No Iteration Count or Salt
  "username" = "OhMeadhbh"
  "secret" = (
  "algorithm" = "sha1"
  "version" = 2

From this example you can probably deduce a couple things:

  • The Hash mark starts a comment

  • Text strings are delimited by double quotes (")

  • Maps are bounded by the '{' and '}' characters

  • Map Keys and Map Values are linked with the equals character (=)

  • You don't need to use commas (because DSD/Text is "self-delimiting")

  • Annotations begin with the at symbol (@)

If you walk away from this document remembering "DSD Text is sort of like JSON with comments and no commas" and "The OhMeadhbh/DSD package provides a lexxer for the DSD Text transfer syntax" then you've learned enough for practical use of DSD as a syntax and this software.

Since you're still reading this section, it probably means you're interested in more details. Here's an interesting one: the message above can be encoded using DSD/Binary into these 78 hexadecimal octets:

02 68 42 47 75 73 65 72 6e 61 6d 65 48 00 4f 68
4d 65 61 64 68 62 68 45 73 65 63 72 65 74 48 0B
b6 07 54 c4 ea 1a fa 24 20 1e af 02 4c 13 0d 94
cc 58 01 65 48 00 61 6c 67 6f 72 69 74 68 6d 43
73 68 61 31 46 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e 10 02

It's interesting to note that the Binary encoding seldom makes messages much shorter, but it often makes them easier to parse.

If you're in an environment which uses XML extensively, you can use the XML transfer syntax:

<!-- Login Authentication w/ No Iteration Count or Salt




If you want to see a beefier example of a DSD file (that includes comments, see example.dsd.

If you're wondering why the world needed another format that looks like JSON, the answer is obviously "all the other ones are wrong." Really what happened is at Linden Lab there were significant disagreements over whether protocol should be carried over ProtoBufs, JSON, XML or a custom Binary format. The one abstract type system / multiple concrete transfer syntaxes separation was created so our distributed application could be transfer-syntax agnostic. It doesn't matter which transfer syntax you use (Text, Binary or XML), they can all be de-serialized into byte identical data structures.

The DSD Text format itself is slightly easier to parse on 8-bit micro-controllers used in related projects and it natively supports comments.

DSD/Text Lexxer Theory of Operation

The DSD/Text Lexxer is implemented in a single C99 source file: textlex.c. I tried to make the code easy to follow, but to use the lexxer all you should have to look at is the header file: textlex.h. To compile the file, all you should need to do is this:

cc -o textlex.o textlex.c

You don't need to specify an include directory with the -I command line option (unless you move the header file.) The textlex.c file isn't dependent on external libraries, so you shouldn't need to reference any additional libraries with -l.

This file only includes the code for the textlex_init, textlex_update, textlex_final and textlex_default_overflow functions. It does not compile to an executable program.

To compile an example program, use the Make utility to make the test_textlex.c program. (See the Makefile for details.)

An instance of the lexxer is initialized with the textlex_init() function call. This call initializes the state of the lexxer instance (which is stored in a tTextLexContext data structure.) You'll also need a fixed length buffer to hold parsed values. The textlex_init() function returns a success code of tTextLexErr type. If everything is initialized correctly, it will return a TEXTLEX_E_NOERR.

Here is an example of initializing a lexxer instance:

#define BUFFER_SIZE 80

static tTextLexContext lexxer;
static unsigned char buffer[ BUFFER_SIZE ];
tTextLexErr error = TEXTLEX_E_NOERR;

error = textlex_init( &lexxer, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE );

if( TEXTLEX_E_NOERR != error ) {
    printf( "Got Error %d\n", error );

Now you're ready to start processing some input. The lexxer scans input, copying characters into the buffer (potentially unescaping string values.) When it reads a complete lexeme, it calls the token callback which is referenced in the context data structure.

You need to provide your own token callback. And you should set it AFTER calling textlex_init() but before calling textlex_update() for the first time.

tTextLexErr _token_callback( tTextLexContext * context, tTextLexCount token ) {
    printf( "TOKEN %2d %*.*s", token, context->index, context->index, context->buffer );
    return( TEXTLEX_E_NOERR );

lexxer.token = _token_callback;

The callback defined here does nothing other than print out a number associated with the type of item found and its value.

Now let's provide some input:

unsigned char *input = "@t { \"username\" = \"foo\" \"password\" = \"bar\" }";

error = textlex_update( &lexxer, input, strlen( input ) );

if( TEXTLEX_E_NOERR != error ) {
    printf( "Error %d while calling textlex_update()\n", error );

In theory, this should cause the _token_callback() function to be called 14 times with the following token types and values:

TEXTLEX_T_STRING      username
TEXTLEX_T_STRING      password

From this you should probably figure out that this is not a full-featured parser. Your code will need to maintain enough state to figure out if the next item you encounter is intended to be a map key or a map value. You should also be able to figure out what to do if a map key isn't followed by an equals.

But there are some corner cases where the textlex_update() call won't be able to tell whether or not you're done with a token. So before you finish, call textlex_final().

error = textlex_final( &lexxer );

If the buffer overflows, the lexxer will call the overflow callback. The default callback calls the token callback with a buffer's full of data and then continues lexxing. So if you have a buffer that's 16 bytes long and the lexxer is trying to parse a string that's 32 bytes long, the token will be called twice. First with the first half of the string and then with the second half of the string.

This could be bad if we didn't call the token callback with the TEXTLEX_T_END token specified. It tells the callback that a variable length data unit is complete. It's used for strings, comments, numbers, literals, hex numbers and annotations. You won't get an TEXTLEX_T_END call for equals, open and close maps and open and close arrays. These tokens are fixed length and a length of 1 is implied.

Another way to avoid worrying about the buffer overflow is to dynamically grow the buffer size:

unsigned int buffer_size = 16;
unsigned char * buffer = malloc( buffer_size );

And then when you get an overflow call, you use realloc() to allocate a buffer of twice the size:

tTextLexErr _overflow_callback( tTextLexContext * context ) {
    buffer_size *= 2;
    buffer = realloc( buffer, buffer_size );
    context->size = buffer_size;

But... it's up to you. Depending on the specific type semantics, you might simply want to reject large data units.


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