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OverRise Server

Server for OverRise

This repo holds both API server and the database schema necessary to run the web app. Thus, when deploying, there will be 2 processes(PostgreSQL and NodeJS) to start.

Get Started

  1. git clone
  2. cd overrise-server


  1. bash
  2. docker
  3. NodeJS

Currently development are setup to only work on a UNIX-like machine.
A pull request to make this work on Windows will be very much appreciated.
Otherwise, you can use Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to run this project on Windows 10.

Environment Variables

To run the project, you'll need to specify the environment variables in an .env file (unless you're running with docker or others)

For development, simply copy .env.defaults to .env. This file contains the default environment that should get the project started.

cp .env.defaults .env

Running the project


  1. yarn watch-database


  1. yarn
  2. yarn dev



  1. docker build -t overrise/overrise-db .
  2. docker push overrise/overrise-db
docker build -t overrise/overrise-db . && docker push overrise/overrise-db


  1. docker build -f ./src/Dockerfile -t overrise/overrise-server .
  2. docker push overrise/overrise-server
docker build -f ./src/Dockerfile -t overrise/overrise-server . && docker push overrise/overrise-server


Adding DB migrations

We use knex migrations that is run before the server does anything else. This can be disabled with the RUN_DB_MIGRATION environment variable.

To modify the database in any way, remember to:

  1. Update the SQL file in sql/ folder
  2. Create and fill the migration file with knex migrate:make <name>
  3. Add an entry for migration in 7.test_data.sql to indicate that the migration has been ran

Example: INSERT INTO "knex_migrations" ("name", "batch", "migration_time") VALUES ('20181218083635_file_name.js', 1, now());

Simply modify the file name and you're set.