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Releases: Owez/yark

Yark 1.2

05 Jan 18:40
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It's only been three days from the last release and I've implemented a lot more, this time I can say that Yark is fully stable if you don't mind the lack of formal tests :)


This release added the last basic features I wanted Yark to have from the beginning. A new report command lets you find out all the interesting videos of a channel and even more polish has been added since v1.1. I've also worked on the repositories workflow to make releases of Yark more stable and allow for the possibility of this repository being a cutting edge build. Any changes to master need a PR and major features are tracked by GitHub projects so releases can be nicely spaced out.

TL;DR, this release has:

  • Added the new report command
  • Added the ability to skip metadata fetching or downloading during refreshes
  • Made it easier to navigate back to channel homepages
  • Improved the repositories health a lot

You can see all the changes in the v1.2 project, or just download the new version from PyPI.

Yark 1.1

02 Jan 15:54
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I'm excited to release version v1.1 of Yark, it comes with a ton of changes and makes the application so much nicer to use. The major changes in this release include:

  • Splitting content into videos, livestreams, and shorts so they can be properly tracked far into the future
  • Tracking when videos are deleted using metadata and download trial and error (for future #37 support)
  • Much more reliable in general; a lot of ground has been covered in terms of error handling
  • Polished viewer with a nicer design and more accessibility


In addition to these major changes, there are also some quality-of-life improvements inside of the application. The colour-coded report information is now easier to understand, an archive backup system has been implemented, and an automatic migrator handles upgrading old archive versions.

Overall, I'm happy with this release and it marks the first properly stable version of Yark. There still are lots of features to be implemented and issues to sort out and hopefully they'll be addressed in v1.1.1 if all goes to plan :)

Install Yark through PyPI here or take a look at the archived sourcecode below.