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Freeze | Thaw

TypeScript library to ensure objects are immutable in development-time, compile-time, and runtime.

License: MIT Tests: Passing npm Release: v1.0.0

Background / Intro

The highest level of protection that a JavaScript engine provides against improper and unexpected changes is in runtime: the ability to freeze objects. Any assignment to a frozen object's property will result in an error being thrown during execution of the script, but only when the script is running in 'strict mode.'

Meanwhile, TypeScript prevents improper assignments through (careful and precise) type declarations. TypeScript-based IDE (integrated development environment) tooling will flag up incorrect assignments during development, and your TypeScript transpiler of choice will fail to transpile code if a variable or property assignment is contrary to its type declaration.

This small library aims to reconcile runtime protection provided by JavaScript's Object.freeze(...) with the development-time and transpile-time protection provided by TypeScript's type declarations.

How to Install

Simply add the package to your 'npm' project using an import statement:

npm install @parkour-ops/freeze-thaw

How to Use

Simply import the functions you would like to use as follows:

CommonJS Modularity Ecosystem

This is the Node.js default.

    const { makeCopy, makeFrozenCopy, freeze, thaw } = require("@parkour-ops/freeze-thaw");

ECMAScript Modularity Ecosystem

    import { makeCopy, makeFrozenCopy, freeze, thaw } from "@parkour-ops/freeze-thaw";


This package provides the following functions:

deep copy something with makeCopy(input)

// start with some object, array, or function, (or anything)
const someObject = { /*...*/ };

// *** deep copy the object ***
const myCopy = makeCopy(someObject);

// test: check if both variables reference the same thing:
console.log(myCopy === someObject);
// => false

make something read-only with freeze(input)

// start with some object, array, or function, (or anything)
const someObject = { 
    errorCode: "!!!## ERRORRRRRRR ##!!!" 

// *** freeze the object to make it read-only ***
const sameObjectWithReadOnlyTyping = freeze(someObject);

// test: check if both variables reference the same thing:
console.log(sameObjectWithReadOnlyTyping === someObject);
// => true

make a read-only deep copy of something with makeFrozenCopy(input)

// start with some object, array, or function, (or anything)
const someObject = { 
    errorCode: "!!!## ERRORRRRRRR ##!!!" 

// *** deep copy the object as read-only ***
const myReadOnlyCopy = makeFrozenCopy(someObject);

// test: check if both variables reference the same thing:
console.log(myReadOnlyCopy === someObject);
// => false

make a read-only something writeable again with thaw(input)

Note: since JavaScript runtime does not allow objects 'frozen' with Object.freeze(...) to be 'unfrozen`, this is actually just a deep copy!

The difference between thaw(input) and makeCopy(input) is that thaw(input) actually removes the readonly marker from the properties' type declarations.

// start with some frozen/read-only object:
const someReadOnlyObject = freeze({ 
    errorCode: "!!!## ERRORRRRRRR ##!!!" 

// make a writeable copy
const myWriteableCopy = thaw(someReadOnlyObject);

// test: check if both variables reference the same thing:
console.log(myWriteableCopy === someObject);
// => false


  • lodash.clonedeep, used for deep cloning objects.


Provides typed functions to make mutable objects immutable ('freeze'), and immutable objects mutable ('thaw').








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